This beautiful young soul this year just graduated an orphanage. Аll her childhood she spent away from the family, not knowing that such parental care and gentle mothering love. Throughout the years Olga was a good student and always did well with liability given to her assignments. She is always happy our arrival and came to Bible lessons or meetings. Olga is loving the Lord Jesus soul. She is a Christian who trusts the Lord that He will take care of her. In the daily prayers, she opens her heart to the Lord, pouring out all her heartaches and worries.
This year, Olga faced with a huge challenge. Not one college and trade school did not want to take her, because she was in orphanage for children with special needs. Spent a lot of time and days in search of schools, who have agreed to receive this sweet girl. But it was all to no avail ... Imagine, what felt Olga at this point? What she thought? Not being accepted from childhood she has still suffering from this terrible stain. "You are not like everyone ."
In fact, Olya is smart girl and sometimes, when we saw her in orphanage. I always thought, what she was doing there? She probably got here by mistake of doctors. That unfortunately is very common. :(
Honestly, I do not know why Olga came to the orphanage. But she would LOVE to study very much! Her dream is to get an education and to live an independent life.
So, finally found a lyceum- boarding school for the disabled, who agreed to take Olya, but on condition that she should pay for her tuition and living expenses. She can study there only under the contract. But where she will take money for education and living expenses? Oh, my! This is an impossible and unrealistic dream for this beautiful soul. Why life of orphaned children is SO heavy???
Our goal is to educate this young precious girl and help come true of her huge dream. If we will help her, she will be cook confectioner.
That to get an education and help in basic daily needs it necessary $1700 for the year. The $675 will go for the Educate Year for Olechka. The $112 will be spent on dormitory in lyceum- boarding , where will live this precious soul.She will not be able to receive a stipend as a student. We therefore commit ourselves to take her fully for support. $913 Olga will spend on food in the cafeteria in lyceum (so it will be much cheaper) and other daily needs.
Can we PLEASE, help this beautiful young soul to get education? Can we help come true her dream? Can we show love and care of our sister in Christ through this acting? Can we show together, how great and awesome is our Lord Jesus and how He loves her tenderly, His daughter?
Please, pray God will help to make it possible. August 31th we need to make the first payment for education and dwelling.
If the Lord leads your heart, you can send your precious gift through BOM PayPal Just select option "I'm sending money to family or friends" and leave a note that this gift is for Olya.
The thermometer on the right side(marked by red) of the blog, will show you how much was raised and how much need.
THANK YOU very much for ANY your help big and small blessing to this precious soul!Together, with God`s help, we can make a BIG difference in life of Olechka! Many, big thanks from bottom of our hearts!May God bless you!!!
Here, also, I'd like to ask you to pray for another precious soul.
When Yaroslava was one year old at birth, she came to the babies house, then another children's home, orphanage, etc. All her life she spent behind the walls of these institutions away from her family. Her parents were drinking and did not care for her younger and older brothers and sisters as well. Some of them have graduated and some are still in orphanages.
After graduating of an orphanage Yaroslava worked. But on each work, she experienced problems and injustice. Or her salary is not paid partly or not paid the all money earned by her. Each time she had to change jobs in search of better. At the last job, where she worked. About 2 weeks, she could not work because of her illness and had to stay home and spend these days in bed. When she returned to her former job, she was told, you do not work here anymore. Can you imagine her shock? Thus because of her illness, she lost her job again. With tears and broken heart she came back home... So, today Yaroslava is unemployed. :(
She suffers . Starves. Can not buy all the necessary clothes/shoes and has daily basic needs. Lost hope...
But that's not all. After a few months, this beautiful soul will be homeless... She is very scared.
Yaroslava lives in a dorm, but in few months forced to leave it.She is frustrated and does not know what to do...
We decided to help Yaroslava get an good education that would find a good job. Honestly, I lost count of how many trade schools, technical schools and colleges, we have went and asked to take her. Not all schools can accept orphans. In some are limited places. Only 1-3 places. Hmm. But what about the rest of the hundreds, who want to get a good education?
Each college or technical school has its own rules and restrictions. Finally we found a technical school, which has agreed to take Yaroslava. We were ready to pay for her education as well. Yaroslava was SO excited and happy! She began to gather all the necessary documents and to pass medical examination etc. It seemed that her joy would never end. :)
But again misfortune . A some time ago, got a call from Kiev to this college and was told it is too late. So this precious soul will not be able to enroll in college again.Again, frustration, tears ...Yaroslava was very upset :(
We cried together and comforted her as could. Our hearts are broken.We felt so helpless...
We have hope that next year, this beautiful girl will go to this technical school again... She is very willing to study there and ready to do everything she can.
Now we do not know how to help her... Or she have to go work. Will she find a good job that will not deceive her and use her rights, using the fact that she can not defend herself? Or, God has a different plan for her. We do not know ... But our hearts are broken and feeling sad knowing how much she suffers...
Yaroslava is very nice, sociable and lovely Christian girl. Despite all the hardships in her life. She knows how to be happy and bring joy to the lives of others. She is always happy to help in any request.
Please, pray God comforted and bring peace in her heart. That she trusted to the Lord with all her heart. He has best plan for her. Pray that the Lord would keep her from evil and did what in His plans. That she would not stay on the street and provide her basic needs. Thanks a lot for your prayers and support! My love to all!