Last year, when we
first took teenagers to the Carpathian mountains. We were very worried, there were a lot of difficulties and experiences. But God blessed in an incredible way! And it was one of the best trips!!! During the week while we were living with the children together, God began to work with my heart. Knowing the horrible stories from the life of children, it overwhelmed my heart even more knowing what awaits them outside the orphanage... The more I prayed, the more and more God gave me the desire to take several girls into my family to help, protect, teach them life skills and surround them with care and love. I knew it would not be easy... Perhaps even harder than I could imagine. I knew that I would spend more than one night in tears and that more than once my heart would be broken. But the heart pain for these abandoned and defenseless girls was stronger. Stronger than me. Love and incredible desire was beyond my strength.
My greatest fear was. Can girls get along with a
special girl? Will I not be a witness to insults and strife? Can I handle it? How will Masha feel? and so on...
I forgot many details of life in the orphanage. But when the girls started living with us and doing some things. My brain turned on in a moment and I remembered that we did the same thing at the orphanage! Wow! At some point, it became shocking to me and scared a little! I was even confused for a moment by suddenness. That I do not remember much, but my brain remembers! I thank Jesus that He set me free and healed my heart!What a mighty God we serve!
The girls are sweet and very different ...
Luba, brave and confident in herself, at first glance, was very worried and afraid to live in a students dorm ... When she heard that she could live with us, the girl burst into tears...
For one of the girls we were told that she was a difficult teenager. I decided to try and prayed that the Lord would give me the opportunity to try to help this beautiful young lady, to do everything in my power. "Even if she lives several months and go, I will be grateful to You my Lord", I prayed. My heart was broken.We know her from 4 years old, when she was in the Children`s House, which BOM also supports.
Lyuba at Children`s House |
Lyuba at the orphaange |
On the first day of trade school, it turned out that the administration had "forgotten" Luba to add to the list of students who had to live in dorm and there was no place there. Coincidence? I do not think so! God already knew and prepared a place for her! If people forget, but not God! God has a place for orphaned child!
Sveta had a similar situation, problems with the settlement in the domitory. She was very frightened, confused and defenseless ... Again an random event? God has no random events! He had already prepared a place for her also! When she officially (according to the documents of the trade school) came to our home. You would see her! She became so happy, joyful and even more talkative!We could not believe our eyes!
"God sets the lonely in families..." (Psalm 68:5)
Girls live for almost a year with us.This is what Lyuba says:
- During these years you have replaced my parents.
- You support me very much, both emotionally and physically. I learned a lot from you.
- I changed a lot for the better while living with you. Everyone noticed and is talking about it. I became softer, generous and grateful. You taught me a lot to appreciate what I have. In spite of some difficulty, you need to love what you have, that I live, I have my arms, legs and so on ...
- During this year, when I live with you, I do not remember when I was crying. I was more pleased and more joyful!
I saw a lot, and learned a lot about what I did not know before. I
also learned a lot about God. Since our guests at the orphanage told
only about the creation of the earth and nothing else.
- I learned that God is not only there in the Heaven, but always near. He represents Himself through someone when trouble comes. When it's hard for me, I always turn to God and He helps me. I used to think that God created everything and just watched us. Now I know more about Him. I did not even imagine that He would act so fast in my life!
- Without
you, I would not find a job and get into trouble. Thank you for the
help!(Lyuba is going to work soon during summer time).
- If I lived in a dorm, then I do not know what would happened with me... I have no idea. But I see how girls survive in the dorm.
- I have no
one to share my worries as mom and dad are constantly drinking alcohol.
And you are always near me and constantly support me! You are always
with me when something is wrong.You became like mom for me.
Love heals broken hearts!!! ♥♥♥
The other girl was very reserved, rarely spoke, only briefly answering questions. She always looked sad and with her head down. Sveta has very low self-esteem, uncertainty...At the boarding school, she had little contact with anyone and rarely was friends with someone. Sveta did not know what she wants from life, did not know what she liked or what she loved, there were no desires or dreams. :( She looked like a small cute snail that hid and was afraid to lean out.
Children who grow up in secluded places and are isolated from the world cannot see anything. When they finish an orphanage, it is difficult for them to adapt and face various difficulties. Very often graduates of orphanages are 5-10 years behind their peers and often immature. Sveta is such a sweet girl. God gave the desire to take her into our family, teach life skills and protect against all dangers. Once, when we gave her money for her needs (for a bus ticket to school and other needs). She burst into tears ... and revealed her precious heart about her personal experiences at her family...
Over time, Sveta began to unfold more. Talk more and even laugh! Today, every day you can hear this children's light-hearted laugh in our house! She found friends and became much more confident in herself. She began to defend for herself and to assert her rights. The girl began to study better in school and in her free time to practice her favorite needlework. When she hears words of encouragement, you would see her shining eyes!Sweet girl...
Looking at her, I see myself in childhood, with low self-esteem and many other problems. She still has a lot of problems. But we see huge changes in her life and behavior! This gives us tremendous hope! We pray that Jesus saved her and healed her broken heart!♥
Sveta is studying for cooker in a trade school |
Both girls became wonderful friends. Once Lyuba said: "I never thought that we
would be friends with Sveta! After all, in the orphanage, we were not
friends at all!" :) When she hugs, she keeps you for a few minutes without
letting go. ♥
The girls learned to cook pizza |
Children came from very difficult families, where they were deprived of childhood. :( The girls had to go through and see a lot of things ... Orphanage, a shelter for children and a lot of terrible moments both in the families and in the boarding school. Insult, humiliation, ridicule, indifference, loneliness, abandonment, helplessness, drunkenness of parents, tears, fear, hunger and many, many other things.
And you know what? God turned my greatest fear into a blessing!They became best friends with
Masha! :) They protect her when necessary, help, have fun and more. And they even fight together against me and Oksana! Haha
Yes, we have difficulties ... Big and small. It is not easy to be a mom of teenagers with a broken heart and soul. I realized that I, as a mother, need to learn a lot more, very, very much! Every day I learn something new... Every day I learn to depend on Christ, needing His wisdom, patience, and strength. We need a lot of prayer, love and patience ...
Lyuba often remembers and is delighted that we remember and support her from the very childhood.Once a few months later living with us, she asked:" Maybe you adopt me?" And Sveta. "Yes! Yes! And me too!" This is impossible by the law of Ukraine. And I always tell girls that I adopted them in my heart. ♥♥♥We are very attached to each other and love them dearly! We are feeling blessed to support and love them! They stole my heart...
So, our small family is growing ♥ :) God is doing AMAZING things!
Please, pray for the hearts of these beautiful young ladies! God cover their needs.So that they entrust their lives to Jesus Christ! That He changed their minds and healed broken hearts. So that in Him they find salvation, comfort and peace in hearts. Thank you so much! ♥