January 4, 2014

Amazing past 2013 year!

Wow! It's unbelievable that another year is behind. Time flies so fast! Isn`t it?

Looking through the blog posts and photos, sooooo much has happened in 2013 year. So many amazing and wonderful blessings, so much joy and delight. So many wonderful emotions and impressions. 
Some I even forgot ... It's good that all this is stored in the archive. But the most important everything is in the archive of God, in Heaven. :)
And it all happened thanks to you, beloved friends. Thanks to your participation and prayers, with your loving care and sincere love, many orphans were able to get SO MANY awesome blessings.You are AWESOME!!!

I decided to summarize and recall some of them. Honestly, we have such a massive amount of blessings that I was lost... and did not know what to choose, spending a few hours. I would love to share all of them!  :)

But here are only some...

Hundreds and hundreds precious orphans received beautiful gifts

Having fed kiddies

Medical care, surgery

Meeting with lovely friends from U.S. :)

Many awesome meetings with teens

Baptism family Kozak, Olechka and Sasha

Wonderful visitations of boys

Birth to this world a beautiful Sofia

Hundreds of Bibles for sweet kids

Visit kiddies with new precious friends from U.S. :)

New windows in the orphanage. Yay!

Many saved souls and lots of beautiful blessings for graduating kids!Praise God!

Blessing meetings with graduated teens, in trade school

More pajamas :)

All more or less stabilized in the family Zhenya

Lovely and beautiful wedding at our church. Where orphans have been invited, of course. :)

Adoption of our little princess!

Coming of new precious friends from America

Help with education for Olechka and joining of a new soul

Awesome meetings with young adults and training them life skills

Do you know that just for the past 2013 year BOM received 34 small and huge boxes of blessings to orphaned children? To individuals and many children. Wow! I was amazed having found it. God is so good!

Here are some :)

Clothing and footwear to poor orphans

and medical help with improving vision

Making become a long-held wish and dream of the lovely young girl for the glory of God

Don`t you find that is lots of blessings? :) God`s  love just overflowed our ministry!!!!!!!!!Wow!Wow!Wow!
His love is amazing, great, astonishing and comprehensive!

All these above mentioned and many other blessings we have, thanks to you my dear friends! You just amazing miracle and awesome! Thanks to everyone, who was with us last year. Thanks to so many of you, who have helped us have such an amazing year!
We bless God for His faithfulness to our ministry. Praying God gives you a year of favor full of His unending love. Its going to be an amazing year! New year, new hope, new blessings, new saved souls. So excited to see what God has prepared this 2014 year! 

(2 John 1:3) "Grace be with you, mercy, [and] peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love". 
Happy New Year everyone!!!Hugs and lots of love to you!  <3  :)))

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25