May 13, 2014

Birthday of "flower" girl and young adults

I am so thrilled to tell you what a blessed day we had last Saturday, May 10.
Our precious Flower Girl had Birthday! Yay!We decided to make her Day a special and bring smile for this beautiful young lady.

As orphans never been in Mcdonalds. We wanted take this sweet girl and her brothers there. But we were upset to hear the answer, "No" from the director of the orphanage because of the situation in Ukraine. We needed take them to other city.
We think and wish. Maybe somewhere in future, when everything settle down, we will be able take them to McDonalds?

So, the best decision was to celebrate her Birthday in the orphanage. That is great and better then nothing! :)

When we arrived at the orphanage, our girl looked so sad...
But we were surprised when the deputy director said, if you wish, you can take the birthday girl and her brothers in the local cafe.Wow! Amazing!Absolutely!
Since these children are never leave walls of orphanage, our wish was to take them out of this institution.It was awesome blessing take them out, if not to McDonalds but cafe! So excited!!! :) 

We bought a cake, made ​​it a little festive, ordered a pizza and ice cream. 
The greatest gift was for this lovely girl, cell phone. That she could communicate with us.That we can have fellowship with her often. She was so happy to hear that she can talk to us via phone for free. We added $4.00 to her cell phone,  it is enough for 2 months. Therefore, the connection between us free.

All congratulated her.

Do you see the smile of this precious girl?

Yeah!She started to smile!

Isn't her smile is beautiful?

It was FIRST celebrated her Birthday, FIRST time even in cafe and FIRST cake!Brother Misha taught and shown how to cut the cake.

With a big company we celebrated this special day in life of "flower" girl.
She said, I feel so good and comfortable with you and always wait when you come. I can not wait when will graduate the orphanage that always to be with you. Oh, precious girl!

Sasha Kozak said, "Oh, I am sure V. will remember this day forever". He knows what orphans feel at this special day, when nobody congratulate you and not give gifts.

Another blessing, that Masha`s sister Dasha could be with us. The one, who is in the yellow T-shirt, near Masha. The next day, first time ever, she could be in church and hear the Gospel. She had never been in the Church before, in fellowship with the believers. She, along with Masha were in the same orphanage and graduated last year. The two of them are nonidentical twins.

Then returned to the orphanage we had a small chat with the teachers. Everyone was happy to see and hear about Sasha Kozak and Vova Gamotsky. What was their life, etc.  All of them were amazed that BOM controled second pregnancy of Olga Kozak and thanks God baby was born healthy. Olga, Sasha and Vova also were at this orphanage. All were glad to hear that they are not on the street now.
But we know it would not happened without your support and love, for which we are grateful to all of you!Thanks to your support sounded glory and praise to God from hearts those, who doesn't know him as Saviour.Thank you!!! :)  

Then we went with the youth to other city for fountain light show. These young people were excited as they were for the first time. These days, the war situation is in Ukraine, it connects the hearts of millions of Ukrainians, and many of them there are patriots of their country. The program about the half has changed the light show. Many patriotic songs, Ukrainian ornaments, songs about love for our land, etc.

Here is a short video how it looks like.

We all felt cold, mostly girls. But after drinking a hot tea, eating a hotdog all happy and delighted went home :)


  1. AnonymousMay 14, 2014

    What a wonderful birthday! It sounds like a day that the "flower girl" and her brothers and friends will always remember.

    The fountain light show is astonishing! We have fountains here in my city which "play" different patterns, but they don't have lighting or music like this. Attending such a beautiful light show must have made the birthday celebration even more special!

    Thanks again for all you do for so many. It's so good to see the hope you're giving to all these fine young people.

    susan in Ky
    cousin to 2 from ee
    (caps don't work!)

    1. I think so. That they will always remember this special day.If God will allow we want to celebrate Birthdays of these 2 brothers also.Somewhere in Autumn.

      This fountain is most beautiful in Ukraine :)

      Thank YOU, Susan!We would not do it without your support. ♥

  2. Happy birthday Flower girl !
    Must have been a precious day for all of them !


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25