May 14, 2014

Castle and picnic with graduates

One more exciting and blessed day we had today! BOM had possibility visit a castle with graduates and some staff of the orphanage. We remember these kids since they were very small. But in several weeks they will start independent life... Time flies so fast!Ah!

At the entrance we were greeted by a cute cat :)

 There's a lot of things to see. It was interesting to see and hear how the paper was made hundreds of years ago.

 Under what conditions and what was used to this.

It seems that the birds were interested in visitors of the castle also, looking at and flying near always :)

The most interesting was up and down the steps of the castle tower. Tower height is 35 meters. It`s about 114 ft.

Some were afraid to go up and decided to wait everyone downstairs. I do not know how people could walk through these steps every day in that long time ago? ;)

Beautiful view from the tower

 Then, on the way we had a picnic!

While some prepared food that BOM has provided...

others were culling flowers for BOM team. The kids said we'll give you flowers as you went with us. How sweet! ♥

Isn't beautiful and amazing creation of our marvelous Creator?

Sweet time at picnic, nice fellowship.

Children and staff warmly thanked for participating and wonderful fellowship. Everyone was excited having a lovely time. At the end an one of the workers said. We want you  have always been with us for such fellowship :) ♥


  1. AnonymousMay 14, 2014

    What a beautiful day! Your pictures look like illustrations for a fairy tale. It's hard to imagine lilies of the valley (as they are known here) just growing wild in the woods - they are garden flowers here.

    even more beautiful is your love for these young people. They'll remember this wonderful adventure and your caring for them forever.

    susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from ee

    1. Thank you, Susan!

      Oh, really?! That is interesting.Here lilies of the valley is growing in the forests. People pluck them off and sell. Sometimes they can be garden flowers also.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25