May 11, 2014

Cooking Supplies for Graduates

Praise God! We were able to purchase kitchen pots for the graduates!We are so thrilled!

First. We would love to thank each of you for prayers! We are safe and had a wonderful purchase. 
Even at that day was very bad day for east of Ukraine. How terrible!We drove to the west of Ukraine, where is absolutely quiet, calm and safe.There was no provocations and diversions that could happen. Praise God He hears prayers of His children!

So, we could bought these cute kitchen pots for 70 graduates.What a great joy!

The beauty of Ukraine on the way

On the way home we hit a hole, where damaged a rim of the tire and it started rapidly deflate. Oops!

Thank God it was only one tire damaged and we had an one spare. So we had a little adventure. :)

Changing the wheel we got home safe.

I thought it would be a terrible and difficult day for all of us . Since at that night, none of the BOM team had not slept . Even Andrew slept only 2-3 hours. We were physically frazzled and tired. Everyone was so busy that there was no time for sleep. Sometimes it happens. :) But God has blessed so wonderfully that we were thrilled! All felt fine and did not feel particularly tired. Only at the end of the day. I would say that I felt physically better than a few days ago, when we bought blankets. We are confident that this miracle did only God because many of you were praying as we asked! God answered prayers. Kept us on the road and gave physical strength even a night we did not sleep. Wow! This was awesome blessing! THANK YOU for prayer support!!!!

The next day we also had many wonderful blessings. I can wait to share with you! :)

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25