April 16, 2014

Gifts to Graduates-project

These young adults are graduated orphans. They all were abandoned by parents in early childhood and got to baby houses, after were transfered to orphanages. All of them did not know, where to go after leaving orphanages. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine their worries and fear? What they felt at that time?Parents do not wish to see them any more. Some lost their parents and never seen them.  Each of them has teir own heartbreaking story...

Many of you remember how Olga Kozak lived at hospital about month after birth of first baby Edick, because she had not home! She did not have a place, where to go with her beloved newborn son! It`s terrible! Do you remember how suffered Zhenya`s family and how they stayed on the street with sweet baby Vitya? Do you remember about situation with Yaroslava? How she was in high risk to be left on the street.

 These precious souls and many others BOM supports thanks mercy and love of the Lord Jesus, who provides for their needs.We are so thankful to you!!!

 This year few more dear souls should join and become members of our big family. We are really excited! We do not know how everything will turn, what our Heavenly Father prepared and we have no idea from what to start ... But our hearts rejoice and triumph! 

But how about others? How about rest of teen girls and boys, whom we are not able to help?

 Each year we have a special project Gifts to Graduates.Where we bless kids with kitchen utensils, blankets and Bibles. What can be very useful in their lives.
 Orphans, who live in orphanages, leave their temporary homes with empty hands.  They take only their few clothes or whatever they have(if they have of course that mostly do not ) and leave walls of institution forever, without nothing. Do you remember guys, who did not have jackets for winter, shoes and even socks? Some took sweater of their friends to wear because they had not their own? Here is how Father of fatherless blessed them.
These young adults stay on their new threshold life, not knowing where to go and what to do. They became "adults" absolutely not prepared for the life.

This year we have 70 teens, who need our help. The need and our wish is to bless the precious souls by kitchen utensils, blankets, towels and Bibles. The towels only for 20 kids at 10 grade.

Do you know that God already started to bless this special project? We only started to think how to organize this all, about funds etc.And only in few days He sent enough money to buy Bibles for all graduates this year! Wow! How amazing is our God! ;)

Our goal is to raise $1,650. It`s $23,5 for each kid to bless by wonderful gifts. The button PitchIn on right side of the blog will show you process of our current project. Please, prayerfully consider this great need.If you can help even by a little gift, $5, 10, 20..., we would be very grateful on behalf of these orphans!

Please, pray for this project. But mostly for these beautiful souls, who leave orphanages and start independent life.Thank you!Thank you very much for any participation!May God bless you!!!


  1. I mailed four boxes to you yesterday - they include new clothes and a few other things for younger children and teens, both boys and girls. More will follow, when I can find more empty boxes to fill!

    Thanks for all you do-

    Susan in Ky
    Cousin to 2 from U.

  2. That is awesome! What a blessing!Thank you so much for your care, Susan!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25