December 29, 2011

How we got in ABC News

Many of you probably think how this very small volunteer mission team got in ABC News?How it could happen?When? How these Ukrainians could get in world news?and many similar questions...
We could not say before because it was private and we did not know the end of these all things. :)

Maybe it will be interesting for some one and will bring encouragement how God works in Christians lives. Here is our testimony, incredible blessing, adventure,worries and much more... 
As many of you know, we do not have enough support and we do what we can to help ukrainian orphans to bring joy and hope to these precious and sweet kids.
We pray, and our dear friends, followers, donors and everyone who knows about it.We fasted so many times also...It is very heavy to describe by words what we feel when we see and feel so helpless. It breaks our hearts. We cried many times and pleaded the Lord to help.
One day(on February 2011) God has spoken to my heart through His word very clearly (Isaiah 66:9-14)
 I will say beforehand Jerusalem it`s BOM.

 "Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the LORD: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God.
 Rejoice ye with Jerusalem, and be glad with her, all ye that love her: rejoice for joy with her, all ye that mourn for her: 
That ye may suck, and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations; that ye may milk out, and be delighted with the abundance of her glory. 
For thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream: then shall ye suck, ye shall be borne upon her sides, and be dandled upon her knees. 
As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem. 
And when ye see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like an herb: and the hand of the LORD shall be known toward his servants, and his indignation toward his enemies."

I was shocked and could not believe and began to cry.I weeped and thanked God.I was overwhelmed and amazed.I even do not know how to say right.I was so much impressed!I thanked God.But had many questions.When God? When you will do it?When it come true?
I think many of you will agree, most of all it`s heavy to wait and you do not know end of that.We did not know when it will happen...

Well.About in a WEEK we received e-mail from Abbie Boudreau who was interested in our ministry, especially about kids with down syndrome! Wow!
In the beginning we thought some one joke with us.Correspondent from Americaaaaaa?What?!Is`t joke? Really! We did not know who is she.We do not have ABC News in Ukraine and how we could know her?  :) We did not believe for a long time.

We decided to search and find information about her on internet.We were shocked! She is real person from ABC News!Oh my goodness! My knees and hands began to tremble.I could not sleep all night.In the morning when I waked up my hands were still trembling. Hundreds questions swirled in my head.God!What that is? What do you want we do?Is that from You? What we should to do?and many similar questions...It scared me VERY much!

After many prayers we very carefully answered on questions, etc. during our correspondence.Really we did not want to be involved in it.We did not want to have troubles, stresses, many nerves, nights when you can not sleep because of thinking in your mind, we did not want that will bring any trouble for our ministry or to any person.We did not want to receive crazy calls or e-mails with threatens etc. We were scared much.And it`s because from famous television in US.
Honestly I`m a weak person who afraid to do or begin many things even it is something good..I know that is not right.I should to trust to the Lord.I`m very thankful to the Lord He is my Heavenly Father who keep my hand and never leave me lonely.He is next to me and any one person can not comfort you when you afraid something, only He alive God can give His perfect peace in  heart and calm.

We prayed very much and asked the Lord to help us, protect us.We beged God if it will bring any trouble that He will stop it.

But in same time God gave us peace in hearts and calm.And we began to think what if it`is answer to our prayers?What if God has His plans and He wants to make it real?What if He wants to do something special in lives of kids with special needs? What if is God`s will and we reject it? and many "what if" we had in our heads.

In same time it was fun to have new adventure and experiense! :)

Well.After some time Abbie and her producer Sarah Netter has let us know, they would like come to Ukraine.What?! Are you serious???
While they both were in Ukraine we had a wonderful time!They both are such nice, kind and very sweet ladies!Children loved them and they excited very much to see foreign people.We had such AMAZING fellowship!We enjoyed and praised the Lord for that!
 Some kids still ask about them.Why they do not come to us?Isn`t sweet?
Here are several pictures
A little lunch or picnic after long traveling to orphanage and mental institution.Abbie with tears in eyes after seeing orphans in a mental institution.They both are such kind ladies, as many of you we believe!

My horrible interview

Saying goodbye to friends 

And the rest of story you already know. :)

 A one more detail.Many of you probably watched ABC news 26/12 and noticed that we were not on television there. :) We believe Abbie and Sarah did a great job!They do their work very well and just perfect!
When we watched it, honestly we were upset a little bit.But in same time God gave us peace in our hearts.Next day we have found out a reason of  that. Dear friends, I want to say to you honestly.We absolutely are NOT upset! We believe with all our hearts it was God`s will!We were so much excited and it brought so much joy to our hearts!
But there is a link to our website and video what we believe many of you already watched.If no, please, follow to this link.
But we were so much happy to see a beautiful story about adoption a small cute girl from Ukraine.I think many of you will agree, the story is even more than beautiful!!!

I thought yesterday also why it happened.Also about television and these all things.I opened involuntary a Bible and it opened self at this place.Hmm!I decided just to read and continue to do what I wanted before.But when I read tears began to run on my cheeks.God told me in His word: "For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD:but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word." (Isaiah 66:2)
I was amazed and overwhelmed!I thanked and praised the Lord!
It brought so much joy to my heart and God gave me more peace in my heart than I had before!It is amazing!

Also these last days we had huge traffic on blog and website!We were excited to see it and amazed!It was something!What a blessing from the Lord!We do believe it was miracle from the Lord!

I`m so sorry if it took you some time to read.But I would love to add some details in this incredible adventure and wonderful blessing from the Lord.More details why we believe it is from the Lord.

      1. A while time ago God opened our eyes about kids with special needs, especially about kids with Down syndrome.We were blown away to hear all information.At same time God gave a vision how minister to these kids.We understood God wants we do something for them!

     2. God had lead us to a conference more than year ago where we got HUGE knowledges about these kids!We were shocked and so thankful to the Lord!We were very much impressed and struck because we knew nothing about them, only little bit!

     3.  After conference we decided to change a program for these kids, teach them more deeply etc.And God bless each journey much, even more than we expect each time!

      4. An one little girl with D.S. has found a family in America through our ministry.It was the first adopting in this mental institution(where we minister) during whole their life!We hope more children with D.S. will find families.More read here and watch video here.
      5. We began Bible lessons more than a year ago in orphanage where are children(only girls) with special needs.God bless much!We are so exciting!We had before only program there.

     6.After many prayers we began Bible lessons to kids(only boys) with special needs in one more orphanage too.There we had only program too.Is not amazing miracle?!

       7. God blessed very much our journeys to orphanages to kids with special needs, when Abbie and Sarah from ABC News have been here.

       8.We have piece in our hearts about it.

      9.God blessed us in doing website.We saw many blessings during this time.Abbie found us through the website.

     10. We made a lot of videos in different orphanages that will edit a special video and will place it on internet, social network  etc. and leave a link of our website.Abbie and Sarah did same video what we did, even in same some orphanages and even same ideas and same places!Wow!Each time We were speechless and amazed!We could not believe by our eyes!We only did not have a time to make like a one short film-video about 5-8 minutes and place it on the internet. Is not God`s way?
But it was not on television news as I said above.But that is ok for us. :)

      11.Well the next it will seem crazy but truth. :) I all time joked and told to the team.I would like do everything I can that all world will know about orphans here.I did mean many countries. I will not surprise, if you will think crazy girl. :) Really as every person.What I can do???NOTHING!I`m dust of earth and sinner of sinners!!!And I do crazy things sometimes...
Did I know it can be real?ABSOLUTELY NOT! I even did not think about it. I only joked and did not think it can be sooo real! I even did not pray about that.It would be crazy to pray about it! I only laughed!
All glory and praise belong only to ALIVE God!

     12.But most of all important for us, God told us in the Bible about it in middle of February.We only did not know what it is?In a week after God told us it, we received an e-mail from correspondent of ABC NEWs as I said above.

 Well I think of these points are enough to understand is it God`s will.

So, for today we do not know what will happen in future.Will it bring any blessings to our sweet precious kids?We do not know the end of these all things.Probably it`s only beginning?or probably it is the end?You never know.We do know NOTHING. But one thing we have and know.We have absolutely perfect God`s peace in our hearts.And we are amazed by it!We are thankful to the Lord for this thing for most of all!
We thank ABC News and especially to those who was involved in this project, to help orphaned kids in Ukraine to have a better future.
We thank God for everything He already has done!It was incredible and awesome!God showed and  taught us what He can do!God is sooo good!!!
And we thankful for your prayers.It`s would not be happened without all of you!
 Please, will you pray with us about God`s will and that He will do what is in His plans?Thank you!
 One more verses what God told to my heart yesterday.Hope it will bring you blessing too. :)
 "He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving him food and raiment. Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God; him shalt thou serve, and to him shalt thou cleave, and swear by his name. He is thy praise, and he is thy God, that hath done for thee these great and terrible things, which thine eyes have seen." (Deuteronomy 10:18; 20-21) KJV
 Director of BOM, brother Misha would love to share with you a Bible verse too and to be part of this ministry.
"Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy."(Proverbs 31:8-9)
 Thank you, that you found a time to read it!Blessings! :)


  1. Dear Alla,
    Your heart is so precious! I am so glad that the Lord has given you all Peace! I am excited to see what He has already done, and can't wait to see what He will do next!

    Still praying....

  2. Praising the Lord with you! And spreading the word of the need. GOD IS AMAZING!

  3. Jennie, you are sooo kind!It melt my heart.My heart is very weak and fears and full with sins.Only God could has done it!Thank you very much for your prayers!Love to you!

  4. Stacy, thank you to be part of ministry, spreading the word!We appreciate it very much!God bless you!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25