December 26, 2011

A special blessing

I`m so exciting to share with you about visitation we had last week.God is so good to us and He blessed our visit of orphans!The hall was full of children who were sitting and listen soooo quietly that you could hear how "the fly flies".  :)We were amazed!Wow!
 It was last orphanage where we had our program with Jonah.And last orphanage which we visited in this 2011 year.In few days will begin New Year, new plans, new dreams, new trials probably and new blessings and everything just new...

Many of you are sweet faithful followers know what we do during our this program.Same Bible story, puppet show,games etc.But not same faces, impressions, blessings, smiles, eyes etc.Every visitation is very different, as every orphanage is different too.We were very blessed!

At this time we had such amazing and wonderful meeting with sweethearts!We were excited and praised the Lord!

 Puppet show to smallest ones.When they saw puppets they were amazed and so happy  to see them!

Song with children about Jonah. Kids liked it very much and they asked us to sing it again!Oh, it was so sweet!We were happy to see their smiles and asked us to sing more!

On video a game.For those who do not know.During this game children pass on a toy-whale while music play.When music stops, a child should give answer on question about Jonah, Bible story what they listened before.
 I know you will not understand what we are saying.But I would like that you will see how children excited by this game.It was fun!And they gave correct answers! :)

The next picture is our beloved game by children, to catch fish what helps to learn Bible verse, as you already know. :)
Oh, we were impressed and happy how they loved this game, as in every orphanage!They all wanted to play and lifted their hands to choose for game.

Look at this sweet boy.How he was happy that he hooked the fish!

After singing our new song, we gave sweets to children.

That is not all! We have very special blessing!Do you remember I have told you a while time ago that we do not have school supplies to orphans more(in the end of post)?There was last orphanage where we delivered school supplies.

Yes, we did not have!And we did not hope to help more orphans...But not our rich God who has everything for those who He loves and cares!Jesus has blessed and we were able to present 17 sport balls to the orphanage as they asked us a some time ago.Oh, you needed to see their eyes!How children were happy to receive it!How they were excited and enjoyed!

 Director Misha represents balls

 Look how they are happy!Isn`t amazing?

 In some time when we did not hope and we decided to leave it.God sent a huge blessing!
In times when you give up, God lift up your hands.  :)
We are so happy and grateful to those who has blessed,  who helped us to deliver school supplies to orphans! We could not help 760 orphans but we could to help 670 !Isn`t amazing! Yes, we had moments when we lost faith and did not hope to help them.But alive God see needs and blesses just in time!What a awesome God we serve!

Thank you so much to be wonderful blessings in many ways to orphans!Thank you so much for your prayers, donations, shares about these sweet and precious ones and for each little step in it.Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. When I was a child, I invariably needed a pogo stick. I believed it'd be a tremendous talent that might impress my family and therefore the different youngsters within the kids educational toys .


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25