March 9, 2015

Housing for Young Adults - a new project

We start a new project. Young adults do not have place where to go and where to live... Kozak family with their 2 little ones and young lady Yana, who are under BOM support as well. Also often another young adults or families stay for a night or several days. Those, who do not have a place, where to stay for a night.So, for many souls this housing was a nice and safe place.

BOM supports Kozaks for several years already. The couple is very young and still need to learn many life skills and need the help in many vital things.

Grandfather of Yana kicked her out on the street some time ago. At that time young lady had no place, where to go and live. Can you imagine what felt and thought this precious girl?

On the picture. Yana is at school, where she study for cook.I love her beautiful smile here.

Sasha Kozak can not find a job for a very long time. Some people tell him "no", because of his very short stature.
Except this trouble, his wife Olga became very sick. Young mommy visited a doctor sometime ago, he gave a medical prescription. Olga took the medicine but it did not help her. Last week she visited another doctor, who gave her direction to an oncology clinic and he discussed that Olga will be send to hospital for some time. I don`t know how it can be with 2 small kids. That is a big problem! We do not know or medical staff will let that at least small Andrew can be with her mom at hospital. Olga need go through medical test and give analysis to find out exactly her sickness. Doctors can`t find it.

Thanks your support BOM provides food for young people.

Edick, the oldest one, loves his little brother Andrew and likes to play with him.I cannot imagine that all young people and babies can be send or stay on the streets!

Edick is so adorable little man. He is such a treasure and blessing not just for parents but for all of us. We love how he likes to watch, touch, kiss and hug little babies. It is so fun to observe his fellowship with little Artem, who was born recently. So priceless!

Young people will stay at same lovely and warm apartment what was found some time ago.They all need our help. Can we do it together, please?

The goal is to raise $2,350. The money will be enough for renting of apartment for entire year and their daily needs, such as food or medicine and more. Can we help provide housing to protect and secure the young souls?That they would feel loved and safe?

If you have a desire to show the God's love to these young Christians, our brothers and sisters. You can send your gift of love using the blue button PitchIn on the blog.

Also you can send a blessing through PayPal  Please, leave a note, "housing for young adults". 
For those in the U.S. who wish to donate by check, make check payable to:
Bible Orphan Ministry 404 Greenview Dr. Caledonia MI 49316

We have just a few weeks. Any amount is very and very helpful!Your participation is greatly appreciated and is a wonderful blessing from the Lord Jesus!

At current moment we ask you.Please, pray God will provide all needed funds for these young people and babies.Pray God will bless with a good doctor Olga, who can help poor girl and for her health also. Olga is very scared and cries. The word oncology makes her afraid and all these medical researches. We very hope that sweet girl  has not a serious sickness.We don`t know. But maybe that is why young lady lost some kilos, became pale and feel weakness often? A week ago, she lost consciousness and fell to the floor.
Pray Sasha can find a job and can take care of his sweet family. With the war and unstable the economy in Ukraine it becomes more and more harder...Your prayers, would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Thank you! Thank you very much!!! As always we very thankful for any your help, any your little participation. We can do absolutely nothing without your support!May God bless you!!!


  1. Praying... and specially praying for The work you do !

    1. Ah!Thank you so much, Nicolesnitselaar!Your prayers means so much for us!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25