February 28, 2015

It greatly touched my heart...

This week we could have Biblical meetings at 4 different orphanages with teenagers, who will start independent life in few months. Each meeting was wonderful and we had such a nice time with young people.It is hard emotionally. Because we remember them as little boys and girls. They have grown up. They have changed and ready to leave orphanages... But as for all of us, they remain still children... In their behaviour, thoughts and such naive. Time flies so fast! Unbelievable!

Also we were able bring jackets to little ones with special needs. Oh, my! You would see how they were overjoyed and happy! They screamed, jumped, hugged. Soooo sweet and priceless!  Thank you very much for sending boxes and giving the opportunity to visit little souls and bring joy and love!Thanks a lot for your wonderful support!

But at one orphanage the meeting was very special! We have noticed that was present teacher, who was singing with us and learning Bible together with teenagers. We saw how attentively she listened every word. Then in the end of the meeting she stand up  and with tears thanked greatly for teaching of these young souls and she never heard such wise words and it greatly touched her heart. Wow! God, you are awesome! After she approached to administration of the orphanage telling them about our meeting. Administration was surprised and started to thank us. 
Amazing! God's word is powerful! Praying Lord Jesus change hearts not only precious kids but staff of the orphanage, who has a great impact on lives of these souls!

Much love to all!♥

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25