March 13, 2015

I'm going to America!!!

I have an awesome news! I am going to America!!! Woo Hoo! Stunning blessing!

Some my sweet friend decided to bless me by visiting USA. Isn't she amazing?! :) We have prayed for some time asking about God`s will. I asked God to show me, is it what He wants to do in my personal life and BOM? He showed me, Yes. :) So, I decided apply for visa. I had no idea it will be approved or not. But God gave me peace in heart always! I "knew" that everything will be well... 

About 45 minutes or so, I was standing near embassy, happy me with approved visa! Yay! The interview was so easy!!! Unbelievable! It took me less than a minute! Can you believe it?! Wow! The officer asked me just few questions. I was shocked as was ready for many, many questions :) 

 Then in 2 days I got my passport with visa! I had no idea for how long period. I even did not think about it. I was excited and thanked God that my US visa is approved and that`s all.

Can you imagine my shock, when I opened my passport and saw that I have 10 years visa?!!!!Woooow!!!!!

It means I can go to America at any time or period!Fantastic and unbelievable!!!

 I`m look crazy? Right? :) But I was excited as a super crazy one!

God is soooo good as always!!!! It`s sooooo amazing and breathtaking blessing!

What I will do in America? I will visit our sweet friends, have meetings with our wonderful supporters and do a presentation of BOM, God`s will. I will be in California, Arkansas and Michigan. Yes, it is scary a little bit. I never been before but so excited to see beauty of the country and meet with precious God`s people! BOM staff will continue to serve precious kids. I will be update as much as possible. It is sad that not all our team can go. But maybe some day it will happen? :) For more info, please, email me at or send message on facebook BOM. Thank you! I would be so thankful for your prayers! God help me to be ready and in different organization questions. Thank you so much!!!

I am sooooo grateful to sweet families, who make it possible! Who will pay flight tickets and all travel expenses! Awesome blessing! So thankful God for such a generous hearts!!! ♥


  1. How wonderful! Is there any way you can come to Kentucky?? I would be happy to have you as my guest here!

    I love these pictures - you look so happy! When will you travel? I am so glad you got your visa so easily!

    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from U.

    1. It's a real miracle!Because a single Ukrainian woman is not easy to get an American visa. :)
      Awww.Thank you so much,Susan!It would be so wonderful to meet with you!
      I will email you soon.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25