September 8, 2014

One more caretaker???

YES!!!Thanks to your great and generous support BOM hired one more caretaker for an entire year!How is AWESOME blessing! Precious boys will have a good care and attention.Yay!

God miraculously provided needed funds to hire a sweet "mother" for these poor souls. Thank you so much for prayers! The lady L. who works already and takes care of the boys is very gently to the boys, calls them by sweet words, very responsible and taking care with such a tender love. A woman has an education how to work with preschoolers. It`s such a blessing as caretakers usually do not have education! The administration of mental Institution is very happy having this caretaker and is impressed by her work.Praise God!

Seeing how our wonderful caretaker works it was such a blessing and we really love her!

THANK YOU very much, who made it possible! Many thanks that caretakers have "extra hands" and boys receive love and such a nice care!Director and administration greatly thanked and is very happy to having this wonderful blessing.What a great testimony of God's grace!

Thank you!Thank you!THANK YOU so much! We are so impressed and delighted seeing God's hand and present in this vital problem. YOU are AMAZING! ;) Thank you to be His hands and feet!♥


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25