September 2, 2014

A nest for swallow

Bible says: "Yea, the sparrow hath found an house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, [even] thine altars, O LORD of hosts, my King, and my God" (Psalm 84:3)

Our member of BOM team Nadya reminds me the swallow. She flies as swallow! She is fast in doing something or organizing. But a swallow in Scripture "has found a nest for herself". But our "swallow" can not find a housing for herself for a MONTH already...

The problem is that Nadya moved out every year during 9 years. Each time our "swallow" finds a housing and an owner decided to sell apartment or has another reason why Nadya forced to move out. You can imagine how it`is stressful for her and her daughter! Also Nadya lives by faith as each month she does not know where take funds pay for housing. That is interesting what is doing God in Christian lives. BOM team helps homeless young adults with housing at same time having same trouble.

Nadya lives on rented apartment. A month ago she had to move out. Today is the last day and owner says she can not wait any more.Students came to study to Institutions and rent apartments. Also many refugees fled from East of Ukraine and live on rented apartments too. It is harder find a housing now.

Also harder find a housing for Nadya because she tries to find cheap nest for her and her daughter. Every months she pays 1600 hryvnia($123). Now apartments cost 2000 hryvnia($153) with one room. What is impossible for our swallow. In winter will be more expensive.
Every month God makes a miracle sending these funds! As BOM team does not receive monthly salary or payment but lives by faith God will provide a daily bread. During 9 years God never left Nadya but always provides necessary funds! It is a REAL miracle!!!! As He promised take care of His children. God is good and He is faithful even we are not faithful.
"Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved". (Psalm 55:22)

So, we ask you as Church of Christ pray for Nadya`s situation. Please, pray God will provide a lovely nest for Nadya and her daughter, cheaper or provide necessary funds that Nadya would not worry every months, where take money for housing.God knows what is the best. Nadya trusts Her Saviour with all her heart and she knows He will do the best in her life.She will be VERY thankful and humbled for your prayer support! She and her daughter Vlada needs a real miracle these days!It is urgent need!Thank you!

(Psalm145:18) The LORD [is] nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them.  


  1. Praying for Nadya and Vlada, and for all who seek shelter. Things are so hard for so many people in your country now...

    I mailed a box to BOM with long-sleeved knit tops for little boys plus a few other things this afternoon. I hope the tops will help keep the little guys warm this winter!

    Susan in Ky
    Cousin to 2 from U.

    1. Yes, Susan so many things are going on in Ukraine and so many people suffer.It`s so hurts...

      Thank you so much as always for your wonderful and faithful support! So priceless.

  2. Alla, I sent a donation through PayPal today to help Nadya and Vlada. Please give them my love and I pray they will find housing soon.

    1. Thank you very much, Lisa!What a great blessing for the family!

  3. *Praying for Nadya and Vlada*


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25