September 9, 2014

Update about firewood for kids

God is SO good! We are so grateful for all donations and we could raise enough funds to bless little kiddies.We are overjoyed and praise Father of fatherless for His goodness and mercy to these little loveys!

We are so happy announce you all that we bought firewood for a coming heating season! Yay!

That was not easy. Director and we all worked hard to find cheap firewood driving from an one forest ranger station to another. Because exchange rate of $ is grows up and down every day now and prices changes and grows up always. Terrible!  The head of one forest ranger station said he can help only with half of needed firewood. Because we need too many and so many of people started buy firewood because no one knows what will happen here this winter due to issue with gas.

Well. We were looking for another forestry who would agree to help Children`s House.  Yes, we found but we would pay in twice more than we have funds. :( So, we were forced come back to a first forestry and kindly ask to help with another part of firewood. And he agreed! Then we were looking for a man, who can deliver so many firewood. And again a trouble. Oh, no! Driving, speaking, looking for,we prayed hard for God`s mercy to the little ones. Finally everything worked well! Praise God!

Forestry is in process of preparing firewood in forest. There work lots of men. So excited that very soon in this storage or covering will be lots of firewood, enough to  stay warm little precious souls.

 Many, many thanks to everyone, who took part in this project and helped in so great need.Thanks a lot for your small and big blessings to precious ones!

P.S. When firewood will be delivered to the Children House. As soon as possible I will share the picture. So delighted! :)


  1. What good news! Your hard work to find firewood at a reasonable price was worth it.

    I just sent you an email message about winter boots for the same children - it seems that everything takes longer than we first expect, but eventually, things get done (just like the firewood).

    Best wishes,
    Susan in Ky
    Cousin to 2 from U.

    1. Thank you so much, Susan!What a great blessing you are for BOM!God bless you!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25