August 28, 2014

Lots of experiences for a day and wonderful blessing

Yesterday in the evening an one young orphaned guy called me.
-How are you? I asked.
-Very bad.
-Something happened?
-No. I just do not want to live anymore and want commit suicide.With sureness said guy.
-Does anyone know about your decision? with great concern I asked again.
 -No. Only you.
I read as many as could Bible verses and said that is not good idea, Jesus loves him, he is not alone. God has a perfect plan for his life. In my head always was place of scripture (Jeremiah 29:11) "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end". 

After phone conversation I understood we must to do something and immediately!We were greatly concerned and felt helpless.We prayed all church and thank you very much all our friends who prayed for this guy.

So, went to him.At 9.30PM we all BOM team were speaking already with this guy trying comfort him and find out the reason. It was terrible that NO ONE did not know about his decision, no friends, no caretakers of orphanage. He is not talkative and never share his thoughts and feelings with anyone.This kid is quiet and never got in troubles. 
But depressions does not leave him, feeling alone, fear. He graduated orphanage this year and tomorrow will start independent life.He has absolutely nobody to support and help him during first time of his "adult" life!I can only imagine what felt this poor boy.

After private conversation we decided take him and his siblings orphanage out, make if only a little brightly and rainbow-tinted  their day.

So, next day, today Sasha and his siblings Grisha and Valya spent all day with us.Do you remember our "flower girl"?Yes, it was Sasha, her brother, such a young guy, who in a week will turn 19 years old. It is a heartbreaking and scary. It`s a very sad reality...

Kids were so glad to be out orphanage!At the beginning we dressed them. Can you believe all clothes you see on them it`s clothes of their friends? Their own they had only underwear. Poor kids. Thank you who sends clothes. It was so helpful!

Sneakers and sandals Valya had, they took borrow at their friends too.In the morning was VERY cold and rainy today!Brr!Can you imagine this beautiful girl in rainy cold day +12ะก( 53.6 F) in sandals?When Valya had put on sneakers. Oh, it is so warm, she said.She especially was happy having shoes.

But have not found shoes for Grisha. So, we went to bazar  buy something for him and few more things for Sasha and Valyusha.

We learned that Sasha does not have autumn and winter jacket. We bought today a wind jacket. We plan help him to get some more few clothes, warm sweater, autumn and winter coat, winter boots. If you have a desire to help this poor guy. You are very welcome! Just leave a note sending gift of love for clothes for Sasha. Thank you!

Then all got hungry. We wanted take them to McDonalds as they never been there. But today was so many people!So, we went to a cafe, as everyone was very hungry.
They get used to eat same food at orphanage always. So, they started to buy much food all kinds. I think they just wanted to try something new and bought lots of food :) Poor kids.

Then we went to a entertainment center.They first time ever went on the escalator. Valyusha all the time was afraid. Oh, I'm going to fall down. Oh, how it's not fall down. ;)

We showed them a pet store. They have been amazed to see lots of different animals.

Lots of different beautiful fish, snake, spider, chameleon, turtles and many more

 The most funny. Valya said, I never thought you can buy a cat! Funny girl. Well. In Ukraine you can see lots of running cats and dogs on street, everywhere. You can pick up any, if it does not have owner of course. Many cats and dogs are in orphanages and children feed them. Valya was greatly surprised, why you need go to a store and buy cat, if there on streets lots of free of charge :)

But the most precious teens LOVED a big supermarket! Honestly, we were surprised.
Wow!It is huge! You can buy so many food?!they said amazingly. :)))
So, we showed and taught them how to buy food, what choose etc.

 For some food you need use the weight. We showed and taught how to use it.

 Then was a practice. They took few bananas.

Valya used weight. She was a good student. Sweetheart learned fast and was so excited! :)

"Oh, that's a lot of chocolate! I never seen so many chocolate!" They were blown away! :)
For a long time they could not choose which chocolate they wish.Sweet kids.

When we walked this precious girl was so greatly impressed and asked. Do the store has ice-cream? When I will graduate orphanage(next year), I will come here to buy ice-cream.

Oh, darling you do not need wait a year to buy ice-cream!They were sooooo happy to get some! ;)

Grisha got lost seeing lots of ice-cream, was so impressed that could not choose. Precious kid.

Then they learned how pay for food at cashdesk. "Now I know how to do lots of things in a store, said Sasha. I do not afraid go a store any more." He was so happy!

So, these sweet kids have been AMAZED to be at store! Trust me. Just go to a store buy something it was something very special for them all. They always were greatly impressed by something or overjoyed.

I'm typing teary. Only a little thing can make happy an orphan. Just a simple thing can bring such a great joy to a precious soul, who deprived and has absolutely nothing own. Only something little what for us is ordinary and daily...

Spending all day with them we talked about Jesus answering their questions. When we were ready said good-bye, Sasha said. "I want to be with Jesus in the Heaven". Wow! Amazing! So, two brothers, Sasha and Grisha asked Jesus save them and change their lives. Oh, my!Can be a better blessing?! We were thrilled glorified and magnified God for such unexpected awesome blessing!

Yesterday we did not know how to help him, only comforted through the Bible and pray.Yesterday Sasha did not want to live but today he has a future!Oh, my! I still can not believe!
Please, remember him in your prayers. On Saturday he will go to a trade school, where is lots of criminal, alcohol, drugs. We worry about him. Pray God keep him away from evil and sin. Pray for all 3 kids  they grow spiritually, will come to know God more and He will become so real to them and they become new creations in Him. Pray for them as they have lots of emotional issues.Thank you!Thank you so much for your prayers and support!God is good!!!!


  1. Oh, my goodness. I'm sitting here in tears too. I'm so glad that they have friends in Christ and that they're not alone. Such sweet kids.

  2. Praying for these brothers and sister - thank you for loving and guiding them! What a wonderful day they had with you today.

    I have lots of good news for you, and will email you very soon with the details.

    Thanks to BOM for all the wonderful things you do for so many.

    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from U.. .

  3. Wow. It's hard to believe that these kids have never seen a pet shop or grocery store. Their faces are so sweet. I will be praying for them and thank God that they have you all there to help them and guide them. Blessings to you all.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25