August 27, 2014

Blessings to little ones and a great need

We visited today little cuties and provided clothes.

Oh, HOW they were happy and delighted! Wish you could see their smiles and joy!
Thank you very much to all who sends clothes!What a great blessing you are for orphaned children!

Look at this precious smile!

Such happy little girl ♥

Am I cute or what? :)

 Kiddies love visitors and so warmly thanked for blessing!

This sweetheart always hugged brother Misha and thanked him.

Then she sit down on his lap hugging and showing her gratefulness.

Not only this sweet little girl but many others wanted hugs and love.

 Little boys started to discuss and one of them say "I love this aunt" and pointed at me. This absolutely melts my heart. And breaks my heart at same time that how many little loveys need attention, warm hugs, sweet word, tender care and just love. How many of them do not have mommies or daddies or they just do not visit them...

Talking with caretakers about orphans life after they leave orphanages. They still remember small Stella, Olga Kozak and many others. Even there are nice caretakers but they cannot replace a loving parents.God created a family in the beginning, so a child should be in a family.

But there is great need in autumn and winter boots for kiddies! So, if you have any opportunity send us used boots but in good condition or send money and we could provide, whatever you think is the best. We will be just happy to bless these little loveys!

And there is bigger and urgent need!
In connection with the problem of the supply of Russian gas to Ukraine, we do not know what to expect this winter. 
"Gas consumption by heat supply companies during the heating season should be cut by some 30 percent in all oblasts, Vice Prime Minister and Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities Economy Minister Volodymyr Hroisman has said".

Thus, all government institutions recondition gas-fired boilers for firewood or coal. Everyone should be ready for winter. Last year we had very cold even in September.

Director of Children`s House said she cannot sleep over month as she does not know where take money for  firewood.So, we are kindly ask you help 80 little kiddies stay warm this winter. Tomorrow we are going to help provide a little firewood for the orphanage. But we need $700 more to help these sweet kiddies stay warm and healthy this heating season. 
On behalf of these orphans we kindly ask you, please if you can to help.Could you help, please, these little feet stay warm?Even a little $5.00 is very helpful!Director was so much happy, when we said that we can help a little. And then she agreed pray with us and asked the Lord to bless, provide remained needed funds and take care of children.You can be the answer of prayer!Just with a little donations, together we can make a big difference! 

The blue widget on the blog will show the raising funds and how much we will need.THANK YOU very much as always!May God bless you!!!

1 comment:

  1. What darling little children! I am so glad we could help them, and that they have loving caregivers.I have some more warm flannel pajamas that I will send soon - I think they will fit these children and help keep them warm when winter comes. I also donated to the Pitch-in, but it isn't showing up yet...will have to keep watching it.

    I just shared the news about the orphanage furnace with some friends - I hope some of them can donate, but everyone can keep BOM and the children and their caregivers in their prayers.

    Thank you for all you do...

    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from U.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25