August 22, 2014

A raspberry field

Yes. This is how many raspberries we picked off of the bushes with the young adults. Don't they look delicious and yummy? :) Young people learned how make a jam and freeze berries for winter. 

We picked them at a farm of our Christian friends, who has a large several fields of  raspberries. They live in other oblast or region. They have a business growing and selling raspberries.

As our friends are farmers and have lots of different animals also. During all life our precious orphans dreamed to ride on horse. So, they dream came true. They have been so delighted and so excited!!! :)

We spent lots of time talking about the Lord till late night. It reminds me, when Paul often talked and taught Christians till break of day. "When he therefore was come up again, and had broken bread, and eaten, and talked a long while, even till break of day, so he departed". (Acts20:11) What a great and lovely Christian fellowship we had!

Then in morning we started to pick berries.In the morning was so cloudy and it seems will be rain. But God answered our prayers and blessed with a sunny and beautiful weather.We all were so glad and praised our Heavenly  Father!

For the first time in the life orphans picked raspberries. It was so wonderful spending time with them, teach about the Lord and hear their thoughts or stories about their childhood in orphanages, their worries, aches and joy. 

 I love raspberries!Mmm :)

We all so happy with God's provision having lots of berries!We so glad orphans could have a Christian fellowship, learn something new and get a new experience. They get new life skills. They learn work and prepare for the winter. They learn to help others . As we picked all these berries for all our young adults. :) What a great blessing!

Coming back home on the way we visited a Tunnel of Love. Posting a picture of it few days ago on Facebook, I had no idea, we will be there soon. Life is amusing thing! ;)

Tunnel of Love is a beautiful spot in Klevan in Rivne Oblast. A three kilometer railway section leads to the fibreboard factory.The train goes three times a day and delivers wood to the factory. However, the trees make a green corridor, which attracts many couples, as well as photographers for its eye catching avenue. This a beautiful romantic place!

The picture cannot show how beautiful there as it was getting dark, when we were there.

We came back home very late night but happy with many God's blessings.Thank you for stopping by!God bless you! 


  1. What a wonderful day! That tunnel is so amazing, I can't imagine being able to see it in person!! (And, those berries look super delicious. Mmm!)

  2. Bree, this tunnel is 5 or 6 kilometers a long. We walked just a little as it was getting dark. Place is really interesting and a picture can not describe how it really looks!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25