February 25, 2014

A little bit about everything

A very short update. We continue to serve our Heavenly Father, visiting lonely souls and orphans in orphanages.

Most meetings we have with graduates.

With those, who will start to live independent life in several months...

 Most of the kids are scared and  afraid to leave orphanages .

Please, remember them in your prayers.

Finally we have prepared a main program to go to orphanages. Tell kids a Bible story about Birth of Jesus and bring gifts.It takes us longer then we planed. But anyway we are very excited! :)
If anyone has a chance to help us with acrylic paint, ANY color and ANY number. We would be very grateful!!!!!! As we often need it. Thanks.

We were so glad to have packed these special gifts to our dear teens and young adults.

Over 240 orphans will receive these so needed personal care items. The socks deodorant, soap, shampoo, shower gel and chocolate :)

 THANK YOU so much to everybody, who took part in this awesome project!!! You are such an amazing blessing to many Ukrainian kids! Many thanks for your sending parcels, what helped and became such great blessing also! ♥ 
What a great joy will be soon in orphanages! :)

Also we have funds for one more month to hire caretakers! Praise God!!!! As you see(on the right side of the blog,PitchIn) God blessed by $4,150. THANK YOU to those, you send those gifts of love to the sweet boys. Please, keep sharing! To follow, know all events and updates you can HERE.

PLEASE, continue to pray for Ukraine!!! Troops finally left Maidan at the capital. It seems there became more quiet... But the situation is still VERY tense here. Everyday something happens.So many different things is going on! But the most. Please pray that Ukraine would not split and for our government. We love our beautiful country and our people, but the situation more and more hard... Our hearts are saddened and it hurts very much. :(


  1. Loved reading the update. Your painting is beautiful. Can you buy the paint that you need there?

    We're praying for your country and for you all, our dear brothers and sisters.

  2. Thank you, Sabrina! Yes, we can buy the paint here.

    Thanks a lot for prayers!We REALLY need it VERY much!!!God, be mercy to Ukraine.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25