February 18, 2014

Violence Returns to Ukrainian Capital!

PLEASE, PLEASE, keep praying for Ukraine! It's so heart wrenching watching this all what is going on here. Today is high tension in Kyiv .Violence Returns to Ukrainian Capital agian! Today is a huge turning point and at this moment, it is worse than any day with regards to violence, since it started in Ukraine.  There so many injured and some died. 


Our hearts are so very sad...My heart aches and tears are running. It`s hurt, very hurt for my country.This is so horrible!

For those who follow LIVE stream is HERE

Update Here and HERE on English also

Today roads to capital started to block. People are outraged by the closing of the Kiev subway.  Closed subway.

We are safe!BOM continues to do the work, visit orphanages, graduated orphans and the lonely souls. They are safe too.But prayers... we need many your prayers, dear Friends. Please, pray God saved from civil war and for the peace in Ukraine.This is so terrible!

On Friday, in 2 days, we MUST be at Kiev/Borispol!!! We expect a special guest from USA, who greatly supports ministry and will spend about 10 days with BOM. We are so and so excited! Such a blessing! And at same time worry for this day, Friday.Please, pray for God`s protecting and safe!!!Pray for Ukraine without ceasing!!!


  1. It is so hard to watch the violence unfold in Kiev and see innocent lives taken. I pray for you as you go to Kiev on Friday for your safety and I pray for the peace of Ukraine.

  2. Alla,

    I am just sick with what is happening. Praying for you guys and thank you for being the hands and feet of God. Also, praying for Ukraine and her people. Will keep BOM in my prayers.


  3. I am thinking of and praying for you, BOM, and Ukraine today - I hope the trip to and from the airport goes safely and easily. It looks as if there is a chance that things are becoming less violent - I hope peace will return and justice will prevail.

    Stay safe!

    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from U.

    1. THANK YOU very much, Lisa, Tina and Sussan for prayers! We really need it, specially these days! As yesterday was so scary and not good day, even in our city. We all stay safe and all our "graduates". We have not go to airport as asked our supporter to cancel his visit to Ukraine. At least for now. We were afraid for his safety and it was dangerous go through capital.Also all roads to Kiev were blocked. For today 75 have killed. Please, keep praying. Everything is still in tension and in abeyance.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25