February 27, 2014

URGENT! Time has come!

This blog post is so very special, friends and  VERY URGENT!!!Every day counts!

Some time ago, I have already mentioned about Masha. She is a sweet and precious young lady, who graduated last summer orphanage.

Recently we learned that she can no longer learn in school, where she studied with Olya.The fact is that Masha was considered invalid or disabled till the month of January this year.She's  talking badly and has easy mental retardation. When this sweet girl underwent a course of treatment at the hospital (by law ) that would again make group and receive pension by the law. She was told that she is healthy and did not need government assistance! Then she ran for a long time for various government instances in the hope to renew disability group again , but it was useless . In school, where she studied, Masha had to say goodbye to her, as it is officially considered not disabled ( despite the fact that she needs help and treatment ! ) Administration may no longer keeps her there.

Communicating with one of the staff of the school, we learned that they still held Masha about a month, hoping that she still be able to get a group of disability . They appealed to different institutions , sent a lot of paperwork. But all to no avail . All tearfully said goodbye to Masha. Even the worker school, she almost burst into tears telling us about this girl. Knowing HOW she wanted to study!It breaks the heart...

Our goverment is obliged to help people with disabilities and meet their needs . But the result is obvious... Of course all of this is discouraging and saddens. There is no justice and care for orphans and the disabled...

Knowing this young lady personally,  how she was glad attending church meetings,we couldn't stay away. We decided to go to her home and to better learn the whole situation.

Common Ukrainian village, where is a small school with a small shop, with hundreds of homes, where live mostly elderly and old people.

 As young people trying to leave the villages to get an education and find any work. Even, it is underpaid. Because in the villages, poverty and no work. Alcohol, drugs, death, powerty,emptiness, there is no hope and future.

 But we were most disappointed, when we saw in what terrible poverty Masha lives.


Her situation is common, as many social orphans have.  Her father drinks heavily. There were cases, when the beat of his household, and Masha was beaten from her father also.

Powerty, abuse, alcohol and so on...

This precious soul tearfully left the school... Since hoped to get an education and to arrange her life.

You should have seen how she was glad by our arrival! Her face lit up with joy, and when she got the box, it seemed there was no end of joy. She sincerely thanked for everything. This girl is deprived of everything! Even things such as soap, toothpaste, brush and pen, is a great joy and blessing. Do you remember how she was very happy by new boots?

Do you remember when at this blog post, I said that we absolutely had no idea what God has prepared and what His plans?.. But now we know and this time has come! Time to save this precious girl from street life and give a hope and future!

Our desire is also to help Masha with health. She has a very bad teeth, and perhaps there is an option to have surgery in the larynx that she could speak better. We do not know ... It takes time and money to the survey. But now the most important thing to Masha could continue to learn. Teachers say, if someone paid, then Masha could TODAY to continue her studies!

We need to raise a minimum $722, that this girl could study, for 4 monthes.  This money will be used to pay for education, food and pay for a dorm and % PayPal fee. Also as Masha will not receive a scholarship. Need money for basic daily needs. 

If Masha had $180, she would have already been able to continue her studies TODAY. So, this is URGENT need!

If we do not help, her life would be similar to that lonely, abandoned and ruined building...

Will we show together to this sweet girl, God's love and care? Will we be able to give her future, hope and save from terrible life? She DREAMS and hungers to study! 

Please, prayerfully consider this need and take part, if you can... EVERY a little bit gift is a big help!
If the Lord gives you the desire to participate in this little project and give a future to this poor girl. Donations can be made via purple PitchIn, "Give Future to Masha". THANK YOU!

The watch has started to ticking and every day decides her fate...

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25