November 5, 2013

Sad reality

When we asked Zhenya to show the house where she wanted to live there.

Here's what we saw...

This day was cloudy and gloomy. From what we saw, seemed to become even darker. The house is neglected and in terrible condition...

When we came into the house there was heavy to breathe, despite the fact that the doors there are never closed.I was afraid to breathe there, afraid to pick up a some bacillus TB or even any other of disease. 

Therefore, took a deep breath, by making a few quick pictures, I was in a hurry to leave this place as soon as possible to the street.

If you remember, that I mentioned that Zhenya wanted to live in the house mother in law, who is ill open tuberculosis.Now in this house no one lives. 
We talked to this poor girl about this not good idea, explaining that she and her family can get sick of this terrible disease. Then she said that to make a repair. When we counted how many repairs will cost, and what to do there overhaul, change floors, windows, doors, etc. Bacillus  tuberculosis can live for years in an old and damp house . It turned out that all this is going to be expensive . It will be easier to buy a small and modest house than to make repairs to this house. Where there is no guarantee that you will not become sick of this terrible disease.

It is a very sad reality, Friends...

Terribly that hundreds and thousands of people live in the same state . Alcohol, drugs , poverty , unemployment, without hope and a future... 
Horribly, how Satan destroys the lives of these people. They slowly die without seeing the light, faith in their lives and hopes for the future. 
Awfully and heartbreaking thing is that many of the children live in these homes... Naked, the sick and the hungry can look into your eyes begging bread. 
Sadly, because of this, many thousands of children get into orphanages, baby houses. Abandoned by parents, without care, without seeing or knowing how to receive and give love. With broken hearts and distressed . This is awfully! Terrible how Satan destroys families and lives. It is so and so sad reality...

Zhenya and her family moved to another house in other town. One of the relatives of the husband Kolya gave permission that they lived in her home until spring. This is a very modest and old house.

Many poor people in rural areas live in similar homes. 

But it seems that it's warm in the winter.We are very hope.

God has blessed their movement just in time! Because the next day was going come the owner of the house, where they lived before. It is amazing how God organized everything!

But again need your prayers for this family. Since spring they have nowhere to live again. We think and pray how to help this poor souls...
Also, a neighbor of the house said that in this house there lived a man, who was ill with tuberculosis.The owner, a relative of Kolya, says that's not true. But you'll never know where the truth... As the owner recently got out of prison for murder in a drunken company. Some of relatives still suffering from TB. 

Your prayers still need very and very much for protection of this family!They feel so desperate...Pray that God has provided a good shelter in the future, in 4 months. And for all their spiritual and physical needs.Thanks a lot for your prayer support, Friends!


  1. *Praying* *Praying* *Praying* My heart sinks when I read this. Praise God for the home they have for now that is warm.

    1. Thank you very much for your compassion and prayers for this poor family. May God bless you!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25