November 9, 2013

What is doing God

Do you see these 2 young beautiful ladies on the pictures below?One, on the right side, you already know. Our beautiful Olga.The other girl, I want to introduce her to you.I am so excited to tell you what is doing God! :)

First. We really want to thank everyone, who participated and helped raise funds for our student Olga. To get an education and for her daily needs. With God's help, we were able to raise all nesessary money and even a little more  $1.739. :) All Glory to God! Thank you very much to all for your prayers! This is such a great blessing, prayer support!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you for everything!

 One day in September, when we had very cold days. Every day, poured cold and icy rains. The two girls came to the church in summer shoes. Walking in the cold and rain and at a cold puddles.  Only from the thought of it getting cold . When someone asked. "Are you not cold ?" "No", they replied in the affirmative shivering from the cold... 
    Nadya shared with us.When she went to buy boots for girls because they had not. First they tried to help to Olga's friend, Masha. Nadya did not even have time to help discern, whether they are good for Masha, suitability of size, etc. Sweet girl immediately shod boots on her feet . "Yes , Yes good! It`s suitable for me!" . It was obvious that she poor girl, felt so cold that was ready to wear any shoes, just to keep warm. Right from the shop she is pleased was walking home in new boots. Her face and eyes were shining with happiness. :)

Thanks to your support, the two precious girls do not feel cold at feet any more. Thank you!

Ok.Let me tell you from the beginning about Masha.
On that day, when all the students arrived to school and settled in a dormitory, where our Olga now study. It was and our part also, meet with the teachers to know everything, pay for everything, etc. 
  At that day we were sitting in a dorm room, where our student settled and we talked a little on the Christian subject. In the side, on her bed, the other girl sat quietly and attentively listening the conversation. We quickly got acquainted and continued our conversation. She continued to silently listen and watch us . We noticed that she was alone , without parents. "A Brave girl..." , I thought. "She came to school alone, without parents and help". But she kept sat and listened . 
    On that day, we absolutely had no idea that this was just the beginning ...The beginning of what prepared our loving and wonderful Saviour, Lord Jesus. :)

  The next day, when we came to Olga to school to take her to church. Masha came up to us and asked softly, "Can I go with you to church also?" We were surprised and pleased to hear it! "Of course!"  So, she gladly joined with us.
     One day, when we met and became acquainted closer. And when I asked, what school she graduated, I was shocked to hear it. "I graduated from orphanage this year and  came to this school." "What? are you serious ?" She smiled sweetly at me. I was not ready to hear this...
"Oh, Lord, I do not know what you are doing... But this is amazing..."  I prayed in my heart....I was shocked that the Lord has brought to us one more, this precious girl, who spent many years in orphanage. One more soul, who may need the support...

Since that day, for the third consecutive month, Masha faithfully attends every ministry of our church. :)
But that's not all. Other boys and girls from the same school come to us for church service. Is not that amazing? Is not that God's providence? Olga came to school not only get an education, but many of the young people were able to hear the word of God, and grieving soul find peace and rest in the Lord.Isn`t it awesome what is doing God? :)
We are so excited for Masha and other young souls, who visit our church services!

Would you please, pray for Masha and for these young souls? Pray for their salvation and their hearts will be open  to Christ?Thanks a lot!

"For my thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither [are] your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 
For [as] the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. 
For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: 
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper [in the thing] whereto I sent it." 
(Isaiah55:8-11) KJV


  1. Amazing! May God continue to touch the hearts of young people. And thank you for reaching out to them!

    1. Our God is amazing!We are just blessed to do His will.Thank you for the comment.

  2. Such wonderful, blessed news. Glory to our God and Savior who always does above and beyond what we think or ask. He is so good and I am so thankful He has created BOM to minister to Olga and other dear, precious orphans and open their hearts and lives to the gospel of Jesus, plus His provision for their needs. What a priviledge it is to be a small part of BOM and receive all these encouraging reports of our Lord blessing and working in so many lives in Ukraine. Hallelujah!!! Greetings and love to Olga and Masha!!

    1. Thank you very much for such lovely comment! :)

  3. It is your Christ-like love and caring for these young people which are helping to draw them to Christ through your loving example and witness. What a wonderful blessing, both for them and for you! I am so glad they know they have someone who cares about them and who will help them.

    I will try to mail you a box or two soon, with winter clothing, but have run into a lot of unexpected things at home that required immediate attention and which have delayed me - nothing bad, just time-consuming. I may be able to pack and send the boxes on Tuesday. I will let you know when they are on their way.

    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from EE

    1. Susan, thanks a lot for encouragement!We are so excited this blessing.

      How wonderful about boxes with clothing.Thank you very much for taking care of our children. May God bless you!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25