October 31, 2013

Housing again?

We call these recent months, September and October, "Months of Housing". We have to provide a housing for one more family. :)

We were looking for housing for family of Zhenya, then for Yaroslava. And now we have to find housing for a family Kozak. The owner has sold an apartment and we have to find a new home for them. We have only 2 weeks! This is a very and very short period of time! 
In addition, we need to help find housing for another orphaned boy. This is interesting what God is doing!

Olga and Sasha pray that God has provided them with housing. They have nowhere to go. Will you support them in prayer to God to set it up? That we will find not expensive and good housing for this lovely and young family.This is urgent, Friends!Thank you!

Also continue to pray for my health. The other day I felt a little better. But today the whole day I spent in bed again. Thank you very much for all your wonderful love, prayer support and emails. It humbles my heart in thanksgiving to God for all of you.
My love to all!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25