May 30, 2013

One more awesome day, with students

One more awesome blessing I would love to share with you!

Just about a month ago we visited students in trade school and asked you to pray for them here that God would give us possibility to have a Bible study with them.

Having our schedule tight and full as always, we had no idea when we can visit them and how often. But we had a burden in our hearts and it overwhelmed us to pray and ask Jesus Christ give us a possibility.

  We knew we will be more busy, it will take more responsibility, time and another things.But we were excited at same time and could not wait to visit them again and share God`s love!

And finally it happened!We had such beautiful time praising Jesus through psalms, playing games and learning the Bible with these young adults. It was simply amazing!

Some workers of the dormitory, where live these children, listened  God`s word too. It is such a blessing!

A wonderful joy was when 2 souls asked Jesus saved them and changed their lives.Praise God!

At the end of the meeting we had drinks and sweets.

They really excited to have it!

This is not all.In the end each of them got a big plastic bag of food. They were amazed and so rejoiced!

Thank you!Thank you very much for all your wonderful donations to these sweet souls!Thanks to your gifts of love, we could have so awesome and lovely meeting, sharing sweets and the food. We plan to continue visit these teenagers as much as the Lord will give us chance. We are so blessed! Many, many thanks for your wonderful love!!!

Dear friends, they need Jesus so much! It is such a great blessing for us, sharing His love with them!Please, remember them in your prayers Jesus heal their souls and hearts.

A little conversation:
-I`m so happy today! an one young guy said, walking together to the van with our director of BOM.
-Why?-asked brother Misha.
-Today is a such wonderful day in my life! We never had such meetings as this one.You came and visited us.You comforted and do not forget us, brought food and God`s word.And that is why I`m happy!
Dima lovely smiling said. :)


  1. How Blessed those young adults are to have the BOM team visit them and have fellowship with them. "Encourage one another" :)

    Do the members of the BOM team work at other jobs or is being part of the BOM their full-time job?

    1. Dear AJ, BOM members do not work at jobs.We are full time in ministry for Jesus.Sometimes even at nights. :)

  2. Such a beautiful blessing to read this today.

    1. Dear Sabrina,I`m happy to know it blessed your heart today.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25