June 1, 2013

Sending monthly newsletters

Every month or two we send monthly newsletters to all our donors and friends.We are blessed to do it! Not all followers of the blog or facebook page are able send donations. Money can not do what can do friendship. Most important love and encouragements, prayers and fellowship! :)
Probably someone is, who love BOM and pray.Some one, who can not help financially but would like to  get our newsletters.Would like to know our prayers requests and blessings. If you are the person, who would like to get it.Please, let us know leaving your email in comment or send to bibleorphanministry@gmail.com or to glazovm@mail.ru We will be just happy to add you to our list. :)Thank you!

Also, if you still receive our newsletters but you do not wish any more.Please, let us know.We do not wish to bother and obtrude. It is important for us.Thank you!
May God bless you all!

My love to all,

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25