May 28, 2013

Just a simple thing...

I`m working on another blog post and can not wait to tell you about one more awesome day we had recently. :)
 But right now I would like to tell you shortly something, what absolutely melted my heart...

You know that women, ladies and even little girls like all these things, as nice dress,  pretty-pretties, make hair, body cream, perfume and all this stuff. We are a little different than men. :)))

We had a fun with Olga and I innocently suggested to make her hair a little.
-Are you serious?! she asked surprised
-Yes. Why not?
 She sat down on chair, was trembling and having hidden her face.
-What happened, dear?
-Wow!Wow!Wow! It is unbelievable...It is unbelievable...It is unbelievable, every minute Olechka was saying.
-I`m excited and so happy.I`m thrilled!I can not believe...So emotionally this precious young lady was telling.First time in my life someone is making my hair...It was my dream...And then she started to cry...

Oh, my goodness!It was tears of happiness.Can you believe it?

She was overjoyed! 
-I love, I love my hair! I will tell it to Sasha(her husband). He will not believe!- with such a joy said Olechka.

Oh, my!!! Such a simple thing brought tears of joy to this lovely girl...Such a very small action touched her heart.It absolutely melted my heart...

It touched me so deeply. Sometimes we think to make something big, something awesome to orphans showing the love.But sometimes a small acting of love can melt and overwhelm their hearts...And even make real their hearted dreams and bring such a blessing.

P.S.Today a small Edick made his first 2 steps by himself. His parents were so happy! :)


  1. How sweet! :) Yes, all of us ladies like these things. It's the simple little things that mean so much. She's precious.

  2. What a beautiful reminder that we can all be a blessing to someone even if we think it is a small thing. Precious.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25