May 26, 2013

Angels sing a praise!

If you follow our blog a year already. Looking at this photo, I think you can guess already which project we had recently :)
I`m so and so excited to share with what awesome blessings we have!

God has been so good to us, as always and miraculously blessed our project to graduates.Our previous weeks were very busy!

We had meetings with these teenagers before and spoken about many things that to warn them. Knowing that we see them for the last time and these kids think they receive freedom leaving orphanages.We spoken about friendship of boys and girls, love and marriage.The most favorite subject of all teens in whole world :)

We sang songs praising Jesus and played games.

But most important, we having read and learned to use Bible.

What this Book of Life saying about all these important things.

Brother Misha is teaching some Biblical teaching.He likes to draw that explain better to children.

Teens learned to build a home.Just as at house construction in the beginning there is a base, then walls and at the end a roof. Same as and at family creation. At first the friendship between the guy and the girl, then the love and only then comes intimate relations in the marriage. Often teenagers start building their vital house from a roof that involves many consequences.

Also we had a moment.When some guys in turns bit apple.They liked it!

But then Nadya asked everybody, what apple everyone would choose.The whole and nice or bitten already?Would you take bitten apple?Everyone cried out that they would chose nice and whole apple. But Why? Of course, everyone gave the right answer. :) 
Then we explained, whole apple represents a girl, who kept herself for beloved one to be happy in marriage.The bitten apple, is a girl who had not kept herself and had let to "bite" her everyone. Same is with guys.

Same was with rose.Everyone likes nice and whole rose but not without petals.
We remind to these young adults that everyone of them are beautiful and special but for one, for beloved one, whom God already prepared, they have just to wait and be careful.

In all 4 orphanages, all teens loved this subject! We had such great time! Many of them said, they learned many new things.It was such a blessing to hear it.We very hope it will help them in future not make mistakes and keep from a sin.

In the end we gave beautiful gifts, kitchen utensils and blankets, what we could buy thanks to your generously and sincere donations. The kids were amazed that they have their own things! :)
But most, we are happy that we could provide them  Bibles!

In the end as always telling goodbye and many sweet hugs.I ready to cry now...

Beautiful blessings to more orphans

once more blessings in another orphanage

and a lots of sweet souls with awesome blessings!

One of orphanages now has not 9, but 10 classes already. Such way some children, from same orphanage went to the 10th class. They still have gifts that we presented them last year. Therefore, that not to leave them without a gift, we presented to them big "candies". So we called the wrapped up big bathing towels, always the necessary thing which orphans have not after leaving orphanages. Wow! they told having seen a gift. Children very much rejoiced and thanked that they didn't remain unnoticed also.

Such precious souls

Some teens did not want to leave and continued the conversation.Such sweet young men.Our hearts aches knowing they stay alone without support.
PLEASE, remember all orphans, who "age out". Most of them fear to leave orphanages, their "homes", where they felt protected, if it can be so said...

But most AMAZING and unexpected blessing during these visitations we have...That these precious souls asked Jesus saved them and changed their lives!!!Wow!

And these souls in next orphanage!

And these sweet young adults!

And this young lady!Wow!Wow!Wow!Praise God!!!

 "I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance." (Luke15:7)

Over 20 dear and beloved young lovies bowed their hearts in prayer to Jesus! We are so excited and praise Jesus!Angels sang a praise, these previous weeks and the Heaven rejoiced!So and so awesome!God is SO good!

"Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." (Luke 15:10)

With humbled hearts we praise and thank Jesus.We absolutely did NOT expect God would bless so miraculously!Oh, my!I do not have enough words to describe you what I feel and have such a pure joy. We are overjoyed! :)))

We are so very grateful everyone of you, who took part in this awesome project! Many thanks for your help and care of these souls.Thanks a lot for your wonderful gifts, what helped to make it real.But most we are so grateful for your prayers! As you can see the result of it. ;)

Please, please, keep pray for these all teenagers.Each of them has their own heartbreaking story. It is so sad...They have so many troubles in their lives...Thank you!


  1. ~*~ Praise God! ~*~

    What a blessing the whole BOM team are to those kids (of all ages). You all are very inspiring.

    Keeping the little ones, the young adults, and the BOM team in my prayers.

    1. Thank you, AJ!We are appreciate your prayers very much!God answers them.:)

  2. I am in tears reading this. So very beautiful. I love the lessons of love that you shared with the teens. Such beautiful, biblical lessons that they may not hear anywhere else. Such a blessing.

    Much love and prayers, dear brothers and sisters!

    1. Thank you, Sabrina! All young adults were very excited by these lessons of love. It was amazing.Your prayers are such a blessing for us.
      Much love you too, dear sister!

  3. Always wondering....where do the teens go when they "age out?"
    Do they literally walk out the door with no place to sleep that night? Do many of them find work so that they can have a home and food? The questions haunt me...

    1. Dear Carole,
      It`s hard to answer in comment very shortly. It is one of main troubles today in our country.I will try to answer the best I can.

      Some teens go study to trade schools.Some, (typical kids) go to the colleges.If they have good level, they can study in Institutions/universities. But usually they do not, because it`s very hard to get there without any help. We know only one-two, who study there :( When teenagers study somewhere, they can live in students dormitory.But not all colleges/trade schools can give them housing.We know some of the teenagers, who would like to study in some college next year. But they afraid and are not sure that they can study there.Because college can not give them housing. We promised to help them with God`s help next year with housing that they can study.If the Lord will allow of course.

      Those, who can not read and do not know numbers, come back to their homes, where many of them do not receive support from their parents or relatives(those who have them). Often, if they live with parents in villages.There are no job, nothing and teens began to drink alcohol etc. Some teens, did not get a support stay on the street. Some parents do not wait their children at homes, do not want to see them. So, they stay on the street.

      Some teens go and work, make money.But it is very little and not enough pay for any housing or for the food. Only very few, who can get a good job or study somewhere and live successful life.Many of them do not have a place where to live.There are many reasons and each kid has their own story.Some do not have parents and relatives to help.Some having parents do not have communication and do not want to see them and live on the street.Often kids take offence that parents left them in orphanages. Many parents abandon them, drinking or being in jail. Some teens live with their parents but in much poverty. Many teens are hungry and stay alone and without a support.Many stay on streets. Especially when they graduate trade schools. No support, no housing, no food, nothing...

      Sadly, but our country do not have yet any program what would support, help these kids until they would stand on their feet.Some of them need support till 27 -30 years old.
      Hope I answered your questions.Thank you, for the interest of their lives.Blessings!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25