March 29, 2013

Gifts to Graduated Teenagers

We begin a new project what we do each year, to raise funds and present gifts to graduated teenagers.

Every year thousands of orphaned teenagers graduate orphanages and start to live independent life.
But there is a big tragedy that they aren't prepared absolutely for independent life! They as baby birds not taught still to fly, already leave the nests. 

Teenagers aren't able to distribute money. Don't know also how and where look for work, housing. If find work, the long time is very difficult to settle and be kept by it there. Many of them live in poverty, without having means of life.Even in trade schools when they study there.

Many do not have a house that to return from orphanages and to live there. If there is a house, so it is impossible to live because a horrible condition there. Therefore these children without having means and hope, having seen the house in such condition, start wandering and begging on streets, that though somehow to survive.

A one orphan lives in this house
For those, who does not know.Here is a testimony of brother Misha, Director of Bible Orphan Ministry.How he suffered and survived after leaving an orphanage.

Many of teens get to the bad companies, start stealing, get to prisons. Girls give birth to unwanted children and refuse them... Some at the age of 15-16 years aren't able to read and count numbers. When buy something in shops, they never count the money  how many the seller returned, trusting her/him. 
These children can be easily deceived. After all how they can see reality, having spent all the years of life behind walls of orphanages? They not up to the end realize on how many in the world there is an evil and how swindlers can use having gained their confidence.

Did you ever think that graduated teenagers are in high risk to get in slave-trade?
They are very easy "product" because no one will not look for them. Even those, who have parents who left their children, these teens will not be looked for.If parents do not visit them  in baby house or children`s home, in orphanages and institutions during their childhood. Do you think they will be interested in lives of their children after graduation?Often children do not want to see their parents and do not contact with them by years.

Here is a short video of reality.

On the first year of independent life, after leaving an institutions, suffering and surviving, all children want to return back to orphanages...

Those, whom we able, we support by delivering food, clothes, different items, medical treatment, have Bible study and we call it "Lessons of Life", where they learn all necessary life skills.

Every year we deliver Bibles, cooking utensils, blankets to help in needs of graduated children.
HERE  we delivered gifts last year to one of orphanages.

This year we have 58 souls, who are going to leave orphanages.Our goal is to raise $1,520 to buy these wonderful gifts to them.We are very thankful to Ten For Orphans and Grace Haven Ministries wishing to help BOM and take part in this fundraising.

We need your help in spreading the word by any way how the Lord Jesus will guide you and give you an idea.But most of all pray.Please, pray God will provide needs of these children and send all means to bless them.
If the Lord give you a wish to bless them. Tax Deductible donations can be made here .  Where it says Grace Haven Ministries.
Or on the right side of our blog, where it says Donations for Graduators.(Tax Deductible also)

If you willing to donate directly to BOM. Donations can be made  here  Just select option "I'm sending money to family or friends" and leave a note that this gift is to graduates.

The website Chip-in does not work any more and we can not set it up on our blog. The thermometer on the right side, will show how much we raised.

THANK YOU very much for any your help and involvement!God bless you!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25