February 28, 2012

Come to Me, I will give you rest...

"Come to Me, I will give you rest"these words belongs to Jesus Christ who says it in His word SO many times.
I love this song, it so pure and beautiful.

Our Heavenly Father wants we trust Him with all our heart when we have some trials and troubles, sorrow, grief, cause, heart aches, even it`s hurts and heavy.Because "all things work together for good". God does the best in our lives.He loves us so much and He never wants brings us a pain because He is our Father and the best Friend. He wants we will be happy with Him and enjoy every moment of our life.He just work in our lives and hearts that make us better and purer for His glory.That we will be more fruitful.Yes, you do not see the light in such dark tunnel, yes, you do not understand why and other things.But our beloved Saviour wants you trust Him.I just trust what He says in Bible.Probably we never will understand His purpose.But He is God.His ways are perfect and the best.And after any trouble, God blesses SO greatly that you forget about all sorrows you had before.You trust more to Him and say, "yes, Lord, you was so right!"
One of my favorite Bible verses: "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)KJV

Just trust Him.Then faster we will accept it in our life and make up mind to it, then the faster come the peace and rest in heart,  to us it will be easier to live.

Friends, we need your many prayers.We see and feel as devil harms our efforts in ministry, how he bother us and try to stop everything here. We need your prayers that the devil will be defeated in his attempts to harm us.

Lately Bible verse is in my head."Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them." (Job 1:6)
Many of you know this great story about Job, about his trials and how the Lord blessed him in the end.
Yes, we are far away from Job, we are not perfect as he was before the Lord, we will not have so many trials as he had.But our situation reminds me how trouble came one after other. 

First I would love to say about blessing we have.Recently we would inform you that you didn't visit our official website as spammers has cracked it.Somebody has told to us, it`s visible that who dislikes you strongly, as already the third time for year have cracked the website.I think that we don't need to think long who us strongly doesn't love and harms that people wouldn't learn about orphans and didn't help them. :)

But the glory to the Lord website already works. There were some difficulties and have spent more days than we thought.But anyway, our official website www.bibleorphanministry.com already works!Praise the Lord!

Yes, it is small harm if compared what happens.Simply it is really visible as the Satan harms.We are very sorry if it has created to someone inconveniences.

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Before there was a great grief in our family, has burned down the house of our mom. Many of you already know about it. We asked you to pray strongly for it, as test only has begun. In the beginning I have strongly got confused and didn't know what to do.
 I have been VERY strongly frightened, not that has burned down the house, but what waited for us ahead, as to us have already informed. I should make the correct decision as Christian and to protect the family. It was very heavy, I cried, prayed, begged God to help to give to me wisdom and to help. It was very heavy to understand what is correctly.

One my dear friend has told that I should accept this decision that will bring to me the peace in heart.Just in moment I understood, she was SO right! I thank God for this my dear friend!I have remembered that learned recently children in a orphanage that we can win fear with God`s help. When I prepared this lesson, I have thought about, as I would like to become once courageous as David. But I hadn't to wait long. :) In this situation that has occurred to our mother, it was necessary to me boldness and wisdom in the correct decision. I had to make the decision that I VERY much was afraid. I had only 5 days.These days I wanted to hide in Jesus embraces as the small girl in embraces of the father or mother. That He strongly would embrace me and didn't release...It was awful days...

I have thought, I should win this fear as David has won Goliath. Guess what? When I have countenanced to it and I have accepted which that decision was afraid. The God`s peace has filled my heart! I have ceased to be afraid and I am NOT afraid any more. The Lord has helped to win this fear! Now I rejoice and I glorify the Lord! I would love to thank you ALL for your many prayers!I`m very grateful for all your wonderful e-mails and encouragements!It`s such great blessing to see and know how many wonderful brothers and sisters pray for us.Thank you so much for your Christian love! 
One more moment.Once I posted about that trial on blog.It hurts and breaks my heart.But when I published a post.In several minutes a felt peace in heart.I felt as many of you prayed for us.Isn`t amazing blessing? :)

It is no matter what was in my childhood and where I have spent, it has no matter that I grew out of my family,  but in orphanages, has no matter that was in the past. But we should live by future instead of past. It was the God`s plan and purpose. Yes it were awful days spent in different orphanages. But it was the God`s plan and I thank God for it.And I praise the Lord for that! I should care of my mother.It reminds me history with Joseph. When he was have sold to Egypt, it was more than awfully. But it was the God`s plan, that to saved his relatives and family. Many years of my Christian life, it was one of the most favourite my stories.And I love this story!

Our trial has not end yet...I`m very sorry that I can not tell to you of all details, this very personal. I trust that many of you have made the same. We would be very grateful if you continued to pray for this problem. The Satan wants to cause us the BIG damage and harm. I should protect myself, my sister Oksana and mother. A situation is VERY heavy. I would very happy if you pray that the Lord has protected us and has helped us with the decision of this problem. I don't know when is the end. The Lord knows. But we need many prayers, the God`s protection, the help and a miracle. Thanks!

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The next. I named it, if not fire or conflagration but flood. :)
Some days ago we have come back home and have found out water on a floor, a computer table, etc. I couldn't understand technically whence water arrived? Then I have found out that water dripped from the inside of Internet a cable and it has caused to us of a few harms. I could not believe! How it happened? I was horrified when have seen that all electric wires, electric plug, charging devices and all electricity was in water.It`s was good that Internet cable was not connect to computer but it would burned away.Also router what I use for Internet was in water.I use router to connect Internet cable because network interface card burned in my computer some time before. :)

                                                   Can you believe that? :)

As the result we did not have Internet some days, I could not work on computer.And I have more work now than had before.
But we thank God, we came back to home in time and He protected while we were not at home.Nothing has not burned yet.Yes, it brought damage some furniture but not so awful as it could be.
The problem is that days earlier snow began to melt outside.Water on streets everywhere, we laugh need take a boat to swim to get somewhere.:) We had strongly frosts before, as many of you know already.
As a result our Internet cable has damage and water inside of cable  became to get inside of apartment.
We had water inside where we have computer and all electricity wires.It`s miracle that nothing were damade.Router was in water but I use it and very hope, it will work and everything will be well.
I thought that we will not have Internet for a long time for some reasons.But praise the Lord we can continue to work for the Lord!Even I have much more work.But it happened and what I can say.

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But it is small harm that the Satan wanted to cause to us and wanted to stop our work for some time. The greatest need for what we now pray and we worry these days, for our pastor of Church and director ВОМ.His father at deaths door and he is dying... It crush and breaks our hearts.It`s so heavy to lose someone you love and who are dear to your heart.It`s hurts your heart, sorrow, eyes full with tears, pain, grief, loss...
We never met him personally.But our hearts aches because he is father to our brother in Christ, brother Misha.

Some years ago brother Misha has resulted his father in the Christ. According words of brother Misha, his father couldn't believe to his eyes as his son has changed. He couldn't believe in what he speaks. After all he was the bandit and the thief in the past who constantly broke the law, an orphanage, the street and prison were his house and family. Brother Misha spoke during some days and nights successively about love of the Lord, about as the Lord has changed his life and about salvation. Later his father has asked what I should make to be saved? Today he is the Christian. It was the happiest day in life of our pastor!

After many years ago, after brother Misha was imprisoned and left. His father has told him, once again you will get there, I don't know you any more and I do not want to see you. And it has occurred. Brother Misha got to prison second time when he was released, he many long years didn't see the father. But what the love of the Christ can make? The love of the Christ is capable to forgive, sympathize and bring together! It is SO amazing  and incredible! 

Today both of them are Christians, rejoice in the Christ. But the father of our pastor is dying. He is 75 years and has very sick heart. But we ask God`s mercy that the Lord has extends the years of life, if it in His will. It was more heavy for our brother that his father lives in Russia. It very much, very far from here. There 2 days are necessary to reach.

That day when all of us have learned about this awful news, heart of our pastor and ours has been broken with tears in eyes. He wouldn't have any cent that to visit the father and probably to say goodbye to him... It costs not small money. All of us hotly prayed and asked God`s mercy and miracle. Guess what? The Lord has made a miracle and has sent money this very day. Believe, that nobody expected that the Lord will answer SO quickly! It was the REAL miracle!Amazing!!!

So, today we ask you.Please, pray for brother Misha, cover him in many prayers.Pray for his father...Pray for traveling of our pastor, we do not know when he come back, probably in a week.May God bring him peace in heart and comfort in this difficult time.He needs our prayers and support as never before.Thank you!

This is not all.We have more troubles here...

 These all and other things stymie or make slow our ministry here and we can not serve full time as before.But we very hope it`s for a short time.Recently we began our new project to share the word about Down syndrome.But we should to stop for a while.We were excited so very much when we began.We very hope we continue soon but do not know when...It`s so heartbreaking we did not visit all our dear and precious kiddies some time.It`s breaks our hearts, knowing how they wait...Please, pray for us here.We need many your prayers.Thank you!

At the end I would say, what said to me one my friend:
The devil only attacks those who are a threat to him, and this shows us that we are worthy of Jesus and of His kingdom!  I like that! :)

One more not good news.I have told you before about a family who is going to adopt their precious little girl Amelia.They have a great trial in their lives also.Please, lift them up in your prayers.As Satan destroy everything.Their blog http://bringamelia.blogspot.com/


  1. Alla, I am praying for all of you right now. I pray for your safety, I pray for your mother, I pray for your computers, I pray for Misha and his father, I pray for the orphans and especially the ones with Down syndrome. May Jesus continue to give you his peace and direction. He is victorious and through Him, you also will be victorious.

  2. Thank you for prayers, Joy.It`s very sweet and nice.

  3. As always, we're praying too!

    I love what you wrote about how the past doesn't matter. It doesn't matter where we've been we who are in Christ are new in Him! And you are right, He works all things together for good. Praise Him.

  4. Thank you,friend!

    We should go forward forgetting about the past and it brings blessings. :)

    I like this verse:
    "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are befor."
    (Philippians 3:13)


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25