February 21, 2012

New detail to our van

Dear beloved friends.Several weeks ago we asked you to pray about our need we had with an accumulator or rechargeable battery for our van.It was very weak and we had a trouble with it.

Finally we can share with you a picture of new detail we bought to our van.God is awesome!He answered your prayers the next day! But just today we can share with you a picture and show to you the answer to your prayers.We apologise it took a some time.
We are very grateful to you!Thank you VERY much for your prayers and help, we can visit orphans and our van works well.It`s such a blessing to visit them and see their precious faces, receive their hugs and kisses.It`s so sweet and melts our hearts.
We are so excited!What a joy and great blessing!God is so good!We are rejoicing and praise Him!

I do not understand much in details of cars.So, sorry if it`s wrong name.Hope it`s correctly. :) But detail you can see where is marked by yellow arrow.

Brother Misha, our driver and Director of BOM is excited very much and grateful to everyone for your prayers and help.

I`m going to share with you more blessings we have.I will try to find a time and update as soon as I can.I`m excited to share with you all how good our Lord Jesus and He hears your prayers!Blessings to all! :)

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25