January 30, 2012

The power of social network!

We are very exciting to see how huge traffic we have these days!How many hundreds people are interesting to know more about our ministry and help to spread the word about kids with DS. It`s amazing to see how God works through social network! Honestly I even did not expect.We are so humbled and overwhelmed by your interest to help to spread the word.
Thank you all, for your links, pictures, websites and different information.Thank you so much, to those who shared this post on different social networks and websites!We are appreciate it VERY much!Thank you, Friends for your open hearts to help us here to spread the word about DS!You all are awesome!

For those who would love to send us pictures of your kiddies, please, send in high resolution if you can.Thank you!

Please, send, share links, pray, spread the word, whatever you can do.It means so much for us!!!Thank you!

I would love to share with you one more blessing we have.How God works through social network.You never know what can happen when you share the link.If you do with all your heart and wish to help, God will bless your heart and it will bring a blessing.

Yesterday I received an email from a young lady Alexia, from Miami.I was humbled, overwhelmed and excited to know how God works through social network.It blessed my heart so much!!!That even now I`m typing and my hands are trembling to see how AWESOME and great our Lord Jesus!I`m exciting and would love to share it with you to encourage you all, send links, share blogs, spread the word, whatever that will help some one and in right time God will do his work, what is in His plans.

Here what she says:

Hello Alla,

I noticed on the Bible Orphan Ministry that you have been writing about children with special needs and adoption. I never told you, but a few months ago I saw that you posted a link on facebook about an adoption ministry called Reece's Rainbow. That night I was looking through the children that are waiting, and I found a beautiful little girl and in my spirit I knew that we were going to adopt her. For many years my mother has been praying for her adoptive daughter and when I showed her the picture of the little girl on the computer, my mom jumped and cried because she knew that it was from GOD! In September of 2011, immediately my mother committed to adopting her and she has a blog that she writes. it is: bringamelia.blogspot.com
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for putting that link on your facebook page. I know that you are a woman that is after the orphans and I ask you to please keep us in prayer. I know that it will not be easy, but we serve a Big God and through HIM all things are possible!!

God bless you

When I asked, did they hear about this organization before.Here what Alexia said.

I had never heard about Reece's Rainbow before. I found out about that website through your blog and that is where we found Amelia.

 Isn`t amazing to know and see how God works!?Wow! I would be named it miracle "number two", where through our ministry a family found her daughter. :) The "number one", many of you have read before.If no, please read here.To know more details, please read and watch video.Each time when I watch, it brings tears of joy and how is AWESOME God who still does miracles same as more than 2000 years ago.Because HE is ALIVE GOD!

So, for now.I ask you PLEASE, follow the blog of this family.bringamelia.blogspot.com I`m exciting to see what God will do in future!Will you join with us?A little girl Amelia is sooo precious and cute!They already are in process of their adoption journey and work hard to raise funds.Please, follow, pray hard, donate if you can.THANK YOU, FRIENDS SO MUCH!

I would like to mention here that Alexia is young lady who helped with school supplies before to orphans.Here we deliver it.Her family has a big heart for orphans.
Thank you!!!

Very soon I`m going to share with you, what an amazing one more blessing we have!
Love to you all!


  1. :) God bless you all at Bible Orphan Ministry :) Thank you!!

    1. You are welcome!I`m excited to see what God will do in your family. :)


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25