January 30, 2012

Our little princess, miss Masha

Many of you I believe watched a wonderful story on ABC news about month ago, about family Cox, who adopted a precious Mia from Ukraine.If no, please look here.
And many of you have noticed a little girl named Masha.Who has won sympathies of many hearts in America and probably in other countries...Here, we call her tenderly, our little "star" :)

Many of you already saw her Here and Here on video before airing story on television.You only did not know that she is, miss Masha and our little princess :) So, sorry we could not say before. :)

I`m very happy to tell you that Masha is listed on Reece`s Rainbow!http://reecesrainbow.org/31998/masha
Isn`t a miracle and wonderful blessing!? We are thrilled to see what God is doing!!!

 After when video clip was placed on website of ABC news, Andrea Roberts from Reece`s Rainbow contacted us and would love to find a loving family for this precious little girl.We were excited and of course, it was our wish too!

Weeks later we had privilege to speak with director of orphanage about Masha, to find a family for her.We did not know will be he interested or no.We prayed and asked the Lord to help.We know girls with special needs do not have a future there.It`s sadly but truth.
In the beginning he said, yes, he was agree.But when we told it can be foreign family and we told him about  American charity, Reece`s Rainbow. After that he said:"Oh, no.If it would be ukrainian family, it`s not problem but foreign..."

We had peace in our hearts and we continued our conversation.
After that he said:" I can not understand why foreign people adopt kids with disabilities?I can understand healthy children but disabled child?"
We began to say what we know.That children with special needs go to school, train, receive a medical care, what a wonderful love they receive in many families, those kiddies who were dieing in orphanages, now they alive and enjoy a life and many other things we said.

And just in moment I have recalled that have a picture of Cornish family, who adopted several kids with special needs from Ukraine.Same picture what we showed other director, when we have talked about Aleksa adoption more than year ago. :) We told about what they did for children, how they care, love etc.And about a miracle God made in life little Emma etc.If you did not see.Please, watch video here.It`s amazing!
After hearing that  he, said: "Ok,I agree that she will be adopted".
We praised and glorified God in our hearts at this moment!
I would like to tell you that the conversation was not heavy with director,it was easy and he is kind.We are sure God was leading this talking.But he afraid to let Masha be adopted by foreign family because he knows NOTHING about children with special needs, that they can have bright future and children do not live same life as in Ukraine.

That is why our main goal to share information about Down syndrome in mental institutions and orphanages.
And that is why we began this new project to spread the word.I think it would be great to show ukrainian people about orphans with special needs who were adopted.How they looked before at orphanages and how they look now, when they are in loving families.I`m sure it will change hearts!So, please, share this link,http://bibleorphanministry.blogspot.com/2012/01/we-need-your-help-to-break-stereotype.html  to spread the word.Thank you!

We are so thankful to ABC news, Abbie Boudreau and Sarah Netter to give a chance to find forever families for children with special needs.And we so thankful to Andrea Roberts from Reece`s Rainbow who has a huge heart to orphans with special needs,help them find forever loving families!

 So, for now please, pray that Mommy and Daddy will find Masha, will find her, little princess and give her love, care and future.Please, pray God will lead their hearts to this sweet little girl.

 And we would be very thankful if you will pray.As we are going to speak with directors of mental institutions and orphanages about children with special needs, to ask their permit that children will be adopted and find their families.It will take a time.Thank you!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25