February 1, 2012

What a joy!

In Ukraine is VERY and very and very cold now!About -25`C(77` F) at nights and about 15-18`C (59-64.4` F) during days. Brrr! Because of frost, ATMs do not work, schools are closed for a week, just in 2 regions of Ukraine about 20 people froze over, that I know, probably more...In our home is cold very much, we sleep under 2 blankets.At day we turn electric heater when it`s more cold we turn on gas on gas stove that keep home warm.Yes, it`s dangerous, smell, have headaches but have not other way to stay warm.People can not start a cars because of frost. And more "nice" news, we will not have water for 2 days.
It`s fun!Life is good! :)))
But thanks God we stay healthy and have not worse situations as have about hundreds people of Ukraine in one region.Where in their apartments are +7C.(44.6`F)

But we excited very much by God`s blessings!And these all things are nothing when you see how God leads and bless in many ways!

About some blessings I will share with you when time will come. :)

But right now we are exciting and praise the Lord for more $200 we have for gifts to bless orphans!What a joy!Thank you to those who blessed!

One more blessing is that a teen, Briana works to help BOM, by different banners for a blog. Wow!I was surprised to see that and thrilled! Isn`t great and wonderful idea?What a blessing and joy!She works real hard to help orphans in Ukraine.

Here are words from her blog:

"I would like to give the first three people that comment on this posta simple banner for their blog!

Click here to see banner designs.

I would be extremely grateful to anyone that helps spread the word about my
Blog Design to Help Orphans."

So, PLEASE, spread the word!Please, bless heart of teen, who has a BIG heart for orphans and works so hard.And orphans in Ukraine as well. :)
More information you can find on her blog.I`m exciting to see what God will do!Thank you!God bless you!!!

P.S. We visited orphanages last week.I hope to update soon.Please, come back soon! Thank you! :)


  1. Wow that's so awesome!

    My mother is adopting a two year old special needs orphan from Russia. This is her blog: bringamelia.blogspot.com

    God bless you all for what you are doing to bless orphans. God is so good. :)

    1. Praying for an orphan from Russia. :) Thank you!

  2. Oh, I'm so sorry it's so cold there! We will be praying that you all stay well and that it warms up soon.

    1. Thank you, Sabrina!We very much hope that these frosts will end soon.

  3. Hello Alla!
    Thank you very much for spreading the word! You are such a blessing in our lives, I pray that in some small way I might be able to help you.


    1. You are welcome! :)
      Thank you!It melts my heart.Brianna,I believe that God will bless you for your hard work some day.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25