December 14, 2011

God`s Word to orphans

Ok.The next day Friday after visitation of small ones, we could visit orphans at other orphanage and had Bible lesson as every time.
After prayer we sang a little and refreshed in their memory several Bible verses which we have learned with them before.We every time recollect that they remember Bible verses and it remain in their hearts forever.

Why we do it?Because Bible says:"Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee." Psalm 119:9;11
If we have verses in our hearts it keep us from sin, give encouragements, strength, faith, wisdom, peace, do right etc.Than oftener we read Bible (sincerely and with pure heart) all the more is our faith."So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17

I Bible every time give advice to Christians. Do you want to have strong faith? Read Bible daily with all your heart!It is very simple and it is what Bible says! :)

One of my favourite verses:
 "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success". Joshua 1:8

And children like it much to refresh verses, especially verse with gestures "O Lord, my strength and my fortress..." Jeremiah 16:19 which we learned here.

Next we recollected last story.That is was very interesting that they remembered the name of Boaz but could not remember name of Ruth.We were surprised and amazed that they remember Boaz!It is heavy to remember for them.Because names are Hebrew and these kids are with special needs.So, we repeat names with them too.But I think that ok and most of all important that they remember Bible stories and what God can do in their lives too. :)

At this time we told them a grand story about Debora.I love our "Debora"!Isn`t she beautiful? Masha was very  proud to play a role of Debora.She is very nice and clever girl.

Taras played a role of Barak, who was afraid to fight with Sisera.Judges 4 He so excited to be him!

A second Masha(on the right side) played Sisera.We did not have enough boys, so we took the girl.We did not have many kids at this day because several of them were sick, several of them(boys) a teacher took them to do something at orphanage.But we had a good time!

After telling to them of the Bible story we explained, if any person do not do what God says to do, He pass a praise to other person.It is same as Barak did not trust to the Lord, he was afraid Sisera and asked the woman, warrior Deborah to go with him.And God praised a Jael wife of Heber the Kenite.
Judges 5:24 "Blessed above women shall Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite be, blessed shall she be above women in the tent".

Here we played a game "To help palm tree to blossom".If they gave correct answer on Bible story, they had right to stick a palm leaves.They loved this game sooo much!

And after that we learned Bible verse."The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree..." Psalm 92:12(a) In Russian Bibles Psalm 91:13 Kids were amazed to see this verse with Deborah!!!

They said:"Oh, that is very easy!" And each of them wanted very much to say this verse after that when we learned it.They enjoyed to learn and liked it very much!!!

In the end children made craft, palm tree with Deborah under tree and with Bible verse.

Oksana and Nadya helped those, who needed help.

Here our kiddies with their palm trees.Aren`t they beautiful?

They enjoyed and were impressed sooo much by their palm trees.So, they decided to place it onto blackboard. :)  Isn`t it sweet?
We were so blessed to spend time with them and we praise the Lord!Probably next Friday will be last day when we will meet them and we will miss them.It is so sadly. Because after 23 of December they will have winter vacation.We are not sure yet.But we will see.


  1. Hi, I want to know where do you get the craft project ? It's very suitable and fun. Is it free ? If it is, would you mind to share the source with me ? thanks.

    1. Yes, it is free. But I have not one source. I use many sources. To prepare the craft project, it takes away from me a lot of time. It can be books, the Internet, sometimes the Lord gives ideas. I will be happy to help! How I can e-mail to you?

  2. where did you get the craft template? i was wanting to use that this week as we dig into the story of Deborah and Barak

    1. Hello wes,
      I really do not remember.It was long time ago. But I have the craft template on my computer and I will be glad send you it. Please, email me Thanks.

  3. where do I find the pattern of Deborah under the palm tree

    1. Hi Anonymous! You can find the pattern of Deborah here

      Also you can see on the right side of the blog Popular Post. You will see a title, A template of Deborah :) If you have any questions, please email at


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25