December 17, 2011

about mighty God and perfect peace in heart

With these sweethearts who you see on picture, we could have Bible lesson.Aren`t they just sweet and nice?They hold torches in the hands, having made it during  the lesson.Look how they are happy.Love them! :)

But first we would love to thank you dear friends, for your prayers.We feel it and see God`s hand in ministry.And we have one more huge blessing!I will tell you little later.We are sooo glad and amazed by God gracious!

Also we are grateful for your prayers for pastor Misha.He feels much better and he able to be in ministry every time.We praise Lord and THANKFUL to you on behalf all BOM team.God`s graciousness and mercifulness is so HUGE and without ending.Director of BOM and pastor of Church recovers very quickly, thanks by your hot and faithful prayers and by God`s huge mercy! He is grateful very much to all of you!!!  What a blessing to have alive Church of Christ! We love you all! :)

This time we spoke about all-powerful, mighty and live God. Who can do miracles with His strength and through small quantity of people. 
Do You remember history about Gideon? (Judges 6-7) About thirty-two thousand men volunteered to help Gideon, but God had other plans. He came to Gideon and said, "Gideon, there are too many men to help you. When you defeat the Midianites with this many men you will say 'We did it by ourselves'. I will not get the glory I deserve. Lead these men to the hills, and I will tell you which ones I want you to take."

Gideon did as God had asked. God chose only three hundred men to fight against a million Midianites.

He was the "least of his family" (Judges 6:15) but with God's help he would become a mighty warrior.  Gideon felt very unsure most of the time about how God was going to follow through but God didn't give up on him and reassured him that with His help he could do it.  
 God has made the miracle, having granted a victory through small quantity of people, only three hundred men. Isn't amazing!?
We might feel small, young, weak, insignificant but with God we can become something special, powerful, a mighty warrior!  God can give us special powers if we trust him and do His will.

Here are some pictures of that, what we did there. :)

We learned with kids a new song.It was not about Gideon, we do not have a song about him.It is sadly.We should find next time or think up. :)
But this new song children liked very much and they asked us to sing several times that we and did.

After the Bible history we played a game, named "to Fire torches".
Our game was based off the fact that Gideon and his army carried torches. So, the kiddos attached flames to the top of the torches if they answer a question from the story correctly.It was funny, children liked it.They all wanted to play this game! :)

Also they very much liked game "A tumble barley bread".  To strengthen belief of Gideon, God has told to him to go to a camp of Madianites with his servant Phurah and he will hear that speak and his hands will become stronger. He has heard a dream which has dreamed one of soldiers that barley bread tumbled on a camp Madianites. Judges 7:13

The game essence was in that. That children tried not to be Midianites. And while music played they should pass on to each other this bread. If music has stopped and who had bread in his hands this minute, he should say. "The sword of the Lord and of Gideon!"

I thought children will not like so much this game.But I wasn't right, they liked it very much and also they enjoyed this game soooo much! Then in the end of lesson we have given to each of children a pieces of this bread. And they were VERY happy!!!

Next pictures where we with children made torches.There also was phrase which we learned."The sword of the Lord and of Gideon!" :)

Kids liked their torches very much!

They were running at class and cried "The Sword of the Lord and Gideon!" "The sword of the Lord and Gideon!" They enjoyed their torches and it was fun!!!

Kids love to make pictures! :)

At this time in a next class, Sasha and Lyuba had a meeting with teenagers.

They spoke about the perfect peace in heart. How to have it, to whom God gives the peace in heart, what can destroy and why we lose it etc.

Lyuba with teens girls.

Also they sang a lot of songs and had fun.
"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus". (Philippians 4:7)

 We were blessed to have time with orphans!We are blessed to bring Gospel to them and teach God`s word! What a blessing from the Lord! We are sooo happy and grateful to the Lord! We praise Him and glorify Him for each moment and opportunity to be with these sweethearts and lovely kids!

Very soon I am going to share with you about wonderful visit of girls in mental institution we had. Come back soon.Blessings! :)))

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25