December 13, 2011

God loves them

Do you see this sweetheart and precious one whom pastor Misha is holding? Do you remember we asked you to pray several days ago for this small one who eat not well? 
We pleaded Jesus to help this little girl.We are so thankful to you for your prayers and we are so blessed!God answered and sent to us a blessing just in time we could help this small girl! Wow! What a blessing!
"...for in thee the fatherless findeth mercy". Hosea 14:3(c) KJV

We could to buy a medicine what will help to her we hope to have a good appetite.We could buy pills what will be enough for several weeks!Also we could  help with diapers little.
We are so glad that God cares about orphans and we praise Him!We praise the Lord for his measureless love to these sweet treasures and adorable ones!

We could spend time with these small ones!Oh, what a blessed and amazing time we had! Children were so excited by games, songs, especially by puppet show!We were such happy to make this day special in their small lives and happy!They received sooo much positive emotions and exciting moments!

On this video you can see a game we played.Usually when we play at this game, children should to give a correct answer to question about Jonah.(While we have our travels, Bible program about Jonah to orphans during this month). Oh, yes we told them very simple Bible story about Jonah too. :) And they were soooo much amazed when whale opened mouth!!! They said: "I, I want too!" It was soooooo sweet! Many of them wanted to be Jonah too and hide behind of whale.It was so and sooo funny!

As these children with special needs and they are too small to give an answer and many of them do not speak.We just played a game and when music stoped, they should to turn oneself and pass on a toy to a next child.
They enjoyed to play!

Next game was loved by many kids, to catch fish.Oh, how they loved it and excited!
 Aren`t he cute?

As you remember we learn Bible verse by this game.But these kids are too small so, we just played.And when they caught a fish, they just tear away a piece of paper on blackboard.An one sweet girl when she got a present in this game.She caught a fish with gift.She not needed tear away a piece of paper but she saw children did it.They liked it much. And she said: "Where is my piece? Show me, I want to tear off too!" :)

Look at him, how he is happy!

The next video how they enjoyed and excited by puppet show.They loved it so much that asked puppets to sing more and more!Are not they cute when they clap of hands?

Oh, how they sweetie and cute when they sang a song! Aren`t they?I love to watch this video again and again!

This is not all.We have brought gifts to these small angels, toys and small cars.Oh, how they were amazed when they heard it!How they were excited!It was so funny when several girls wanted to get cars too!
Thank you so much Sabrina and her wonderful family, who has blessed these sweet orphans by so many toys!What a blessing to the orphans to receive and have their own toy!We were excited very much with our small angels, it seemed as we receiving these toys too! :)
Bible says: "Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep".Romans 12:15

We had such blessed and wonderful spent time with small ones!We thanks God, who has blessed these precious ones who has needs all time!We are so happy could bring if only little bit a Christ light, hope and love to these abandoned by parents kiddies. Please, continue to pray we will be able to help them in their needs!Thank you!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25