August 30, 2016

Blessings for a Children's Home

One fine day we got a call from the director of the Children`s House. "Could you please help us with firewood this year as in the past you have helped us. And maybe you have a chance to help with food... Please. This year is especially difficult, and not enough money for essentials. Please, I asking you very much, do not leave us and help if you have chance. "

We can not. But our God is able! we replied. We told the director that will pray. We prayed and the Lord sent the money! Praise God!

Soon BOM has done one more huge project! We provided firewoods for a Children's House,where 70 little kids age 3-12 years old will stay warm this winter.

I love how a ray of sunshine appeared when taking pictures. As if God showed his presence and blessing :)

We prayed again, and soon again the Lord answered by sending money for food! Awesome!!!
So we bought more than 1.2 tons of rice, flour, buckwheat, pasta, sugar and more than 50 liters of sunflower oil!

The young adults helped in this one more huge project.

Our van was full and we drove very slowly... As the bottom nearly touched the ground.

When we arrived. The administration could not find the words of gratitude. Director, hugged and kissed us with joy and delight.

We have explained that in this there is no our merit. We are only servants of the Lord and  doing His will. This is all from the Lord, and He takes care of orphans.

"Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. " (Isaiah 49:15)

 Administration warmly thanked all who made it possible :)  Thank you so very much for your kindness, love and care!!!! You are real miracle for so many precious souls here! God is so very good!!!

August 22, 2016

Joy in our church

In our local Bible Baptist Church Charity was great joy about a week ago. Two young beautiful young adults were baptized!

If you remember Anya who prayed for many years to find us. And Ruslan, who had some issues.

These precious young people want to follow Jesus and do His will.

 It is such a wonderful blessing to see the young souls desire to live godly life!

A single young mother with a baby in her arms found peace and comfort in God.

Young man having difficulties in life and made mistakes from inexperienced. He found forgiveness at Jesus' feet, who became his Heavenly Father also.

The interesting thing is that after I wrote the blog post about Ruslan. A few days later he came  back to church and from that day he never missed a service! He even during a work ask his boss for time off that to be together in fellowship with church, church service or help in any way. For us it is a great joy that Ruslan after some time of wandering, he returned to Christ and to our church!

Thank you!!! Huge thank you very much for your prayers! God does miracles!!!

August 2, 2016

The latest update about Lisa

God is so good!!! We are so excited to share with you a wonderful news!
Lisa is completely healed and stay with her loving family! What a wonderful blessing!

 Little girl, who was in terrible condition and her life could end at any moment... Today, she is agile and cheerful girl. Her mother is very grateful for your many prayers and donations! Thanks your  love and care the little girl is healthy and can enjoy life. Her younger sister Anna is so happy to be with older sister and does not want to let her go. :) 
Thank you! Huge enormous thank you for your generosity and the love of Christ! Our thanks never will be enough for your kindness and open hearts... Our hearts are humbled. Big and little precious gifts of love saved life of little Lisa. You are awesome!!! Much love to all!