August 10, 2015

10th Anniversary

We had a wonderful day celebrating Bible Baptist Charity Church 10th Anniversary last month! It was a blessing to see those who were still there from the beginning, those who had returned to celebrate the special day after being away for a while.  To God be the glory!

We decided to have a picnic!Yay! It was a amazing day and we have had soooo much fun!

But before it we had some adventure.
When we were driving to a place where we had to picnic. Our van for no reason stopped and did not want to move! Brothers tried to find a reason what happened. But could not find. We started to unload all baggage as we thought we may call for a recovery vehicle. Oh, no! It is too expensive! We will not have picnic? I was thinking, God what plan do you have for us? For what we have to be ready? Do you want protect us from something?At this time rainy clouds were coming and became a darker. We started to pray. Do you know what? 

 The vehicle breakdown was found and thanks this trouble, other breaking what  service men in different car services could not find before, it was found and fixed! How wonderful! 
Romans 8:28 works always! :) "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose". 

We decorated a little bit to make more celebratory. After all it is Church Anniversary! Bible says Church as Bride. :)

Our shelter shed looked little bit nicer. :)

 Everyone was busy by their own work

 I just love how mommy and kid interact!

 Look at this precious Andrew`s smile!

 Babies, babies...

Even they were busy their own "work" :)

 Sophie loves Andrew. So sweet.

 So, while chicken shashlik were cooked...

 everyone played games.

I love this cute dirty face!

 Archery is my favorite sport! I just love, love it! So, everyone who can not do it, had the opportunity to learn. Some thought it is easy. But if you ever shot from bow, you know the truth ;)

Like a mommy, like a son

Edick wanted to learn also! :) He tried to copy and always asked or it is right. So cute.

Then we had shashlik, vegetables, fruits and cake! It was delicious!

 Also we played our favorite game.Everyone in our church likes it very much.

This is what happens if miss out balloon with water :)

This day was chilly and rainy a little bit.We had perfect shed that we could place fire and everyone could keep warm. Fire was so helpful!

Even it was rainy, we had roof. So, we could continue to have fun! It was so awesome!

And we were singing a lot. At this place there are several shelter sheds where people celebrate different parties, Birthdays, Wedding and so on. So, people around could hear Christian songs and we were so happy God's name was glorified. They looked at us like at strangers :) But doesn`t Bible says we are strangers or fools for this world? (1 Corinthians 4:10) "We are fools for Christ's sake..."

 The day was simply fantastic! Even it was cold and rainy, thank God not all day long.  It was sad that many were not able to come and celebrate this special day.But we had so much fun! We laughed a lot and enjoyed our fellowship.

But most wonderful blessing for us was when Zhenya said she wants to accept Jesus Christ! God granted our church with this beautiful gift at this day. How awesome! We were sooo happy for Zhenya!Our joy was no end! Praise God!!!!

 Our church is different a little bit than many others. Because our pastor Misha and about 70% of church members, old and young people are former orphans. Can you believe it? How wonderful!God is soooo good!!!!


  1. What a wonderful celebration! So much joy on so many faces. Even with the rain, everyone had so much fun.

    Congratulations to all at your church on its tenth anniversary!

    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from Ukraine


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25