July 31, 2015

Joy of little ones

Few days ago BOM was able to visit little ones.Oh, my! I wish soooo badly you see the joy and delight these little cuties! :) During our visit was so much laughing and excitement!It was fantastic!

We told them Bible story, Jesus is our Shepherd and we are His sheeps. 

It was so cute and adorable when they sang! Aren't they cute little sheeps? ;)

We played games and they rejoiced so much!

Look at this cute face! I love it!!! ♥

Kiddies loved to get sweets!Mmm.

 But the most, they soooo excited to get balloons! They started to scream and jump! It was hard to calm them down. Ha ha!

Also BOM provided big box of clothes to these little ones. Thank you so much to those, who make it possible!How wonderful!

This year God blessed with apricots in Ukraine as never before. :) I would say it is a lot! If you drive, you can see it everywhere and so many.

When I was in U.S. in California this year. Honestly, I was shocked why you can`t pick up the oranges, if it is rotting on the ground? You should only buy it. :) It was so hard to watch you can not have oranges for free, knowing how it is expensive in Ukraine.  In Ukraine you can have fruits for free!  If it is on the roads, streets, forest, you can pick up fruits and no one tell you nothing :)  But NOT in someone's garden or private backyard! lol. 

The owner told us nothing. So, we were glad to get some apricots for free! They are delicious! Mmm.

We thank God we have nicer weather this week. Last week was terribly hot! Phew! It is so hard if you do not have air conditioner at home! Ha ha! :)

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25