August 17, 2015

What a beautiful day!

Suuuuuper excited! We have such a wonderful blessing! These 3 beautiful young ladies have been baptized few days ago! We are sooo happy for Stella, Lena and Zhenya they have desire follow Jesus! Can be a better blessing, when young souls want to praise Jesus in their lives and live a Christian life?! How awesome! 

(For those, who don`t know yet, Lena and Zhenya accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour recently.)

We had sermon, singing on the river. It was wonderful time! It was such a blessing when unbelievers could hear the Gospel as well!

Then young people have been baptized :)

This is a very special event in our church! So, we congratulated young ladies with flowers...

 ...and the pictures with Bible verses.

Pictures, pictures, pictures... everyone wanted make pictures for a memory :)

Zhenya and her neighbours. It was such a blessing to see them also!

Our growing babies :)

Andrew loves water! He was so screaming, when Olga took him away! Ha ha!

After Baptism we had tea and fellowship at church. It was so sweet time! Look at adorable Diana! I just love those chubby cheeks!!! ♥

A gang, who always make you busy! Aren`t not they cute?! ;)

God provided just a perfect weather and such beautiful day!We rejoice and so happy our local Baptist church is growing! To God be the glory!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25