May 12, 2015

Wonderful blessings for 38 kids!

We are so and soooo excited to tell you the exciting news and great blessing we have!God is so good!!!!The new 38 beds what have been delivered recently, they are made already and now more kiddos enjoy to sleep on it!Children were so happy to help and make their own beds!How awesome!!!

We are very glad that our young adults could to learn the new skills as well. And they were such a great help and blessing!

At the end bro. Misha made a little tour for kids. Some of them were riding in the van all over the village (where is the orphanage) and they had lots of fun. Because they were out of the orphanage! But most happy moment was when everyone got the ice cream! They all were delighted and so happy! Such a little thing...but so much joy and happy hearts. I'm sure those precious souls will remember these days forever!

We are so and so happy for these sweet hearts, glorify and praise God for this amazing blessing!!!


  1. It is wonderful that the young adults you have ministered to are now in turn ministering and being a blessing to younger orphans.

    1. Yes, thank you, Lisa. Young adults are such a blessing for us!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25