May 16, 2015

Adventures in Kentucky and Michigan

I am so excited to tell you the next part of my adventures! :)

From Texas I flew to Kentucky. I had to get a next flight in Charlotte airport. The landing in Charlotte was not very well. The airplane was shaken up and down, it was not fun. It was a scary a little bit because I have learned the information about airports, flights and so on before going to America. The most dangerous for flights are first 3 minutes, when it takes off and 10 minutes before landing. I did not afraid turbulence! At all! When it even started, I even was excited a little bit. "Yeah!!! Turbulence!!!!" I was excited as a kid. I know I was like crazy, but I wanted to feel how it is :) Also, I learned that airplanes never fall down, when is turbulence. So, it was fun. 

It was storming and raining at that day. So, the landing in Charlotte was not fun. I know, if I die, I will be with Jesus in the Heaven. :) But I prayed, "Jesus, please, I must landed to tell people about BOM. I must landed... I must landed". I prayed always. :) I am so thankful to Jesus it was OK!!! Now I am laughing over myself.

I do not know how many thousands pictures I made. In every airport and in every flight. I like to make pictures, even it is not professionally. But I enjoy. :)

So, I told myself , "Alla enough". But now I am sad a little bit that I did not make pictures of Charlotte airport because it is beautiful. Ha ha!

The Kentucky surprised me by its beautiful hills.

In Louisville airport met me Susan with Ukrainian flag and yellow and blue color balloons like ukrainian flag. It was nice.

She is amazing woman...Everywhere we go, she told about BOM. We go to museum, she says about BOM, go to a cafe she says about BOM. In EVERY place and EVERY person we met. Do you know what? She told about BOM and pass out the BOM tracts! What a wonderful blessing!

.Besides sharing info about BOM in a Church, I visited so many different places. There`s so much to explore not only in the cities, but around it. The area has such a rich history!

I had a privilege to visit Ashland, the Henry Clay Estate.Home of famous 19th-century statesman Henry Clay.

Gainesway Horse Farm. Amazing and shocking... So beautiful farm. I never thought that horses can be taken such an awesome care. :)

 Kentucky Horse Park. A 1,200 acres showcase of museums, galleries and exhibits dedicated to all breeds of horse. It is HUGE and neat place! I love it!

 I was so pleased and happy to see how shod horses! We came into the barn in time and it was so neat to see it!

Then on the way we visited one more private horse farm.The little foal was born just few days before our coming. So precious.

Kentucky State Capitol in Frankfort.

The statehouse is gorgeous!!!

Interesting Kentucky national meal.

Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill. America's largest restored Shaker community with 34 buildings open to the public. National Historic Landmark.

It is so interesting place!

Had a fun :)

The castle on the way

I heard many times that kids and adults with special needs cared better in America then in Ukraine...I always wanted to see a special place, school, kindergarten or whatever, how it look like...

I was so and so blessed to visit Stewart Home School established in 1893! Wow! There are 850 acre such beeeeaaaautiful and gorgeous campus in Frankfort! It is amazing place for students of all ages with special needs! I was greatly surprised and blown away to hear what students do and how they live! I feel so blessed to see this wonderful place! While we have been talking with administration asking questions, and I shared info about people with special needs in Ukraine...The young man with Down Syndrome came into the room...It made me teary...Really. I do not know why. Or I felt so sad about kids in mental institutions in Ukraine or I felt happy for this young man that he lives in such beautiful place and he is well cared. I do not know. But then more and more young people with special needs started to come. I hardly kept tears. I was ready to go outside and sobbing. I remembered at once when I saw a blind man in Disneyland in California. Yep. Seeing him made me teary. I was so happy for him. That his family loves and takes care of him. These all makes me emotionally. Because, if you come to Ukraine, you will not see people with special needs on streets... They are abandoned and neglected...

Then I flew to Michigan. The airport in Chicago I found very pretty :)

I felt so emotionally to meet my sweet and dear friend Sabrina, who is BOM Donations Coordinator. Imagine, after many years of fellowship through Internet, Skype etc, you meet in person the family, who became so dear to your heart. Amazing blessing!

With a group of young precious people I visited Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park .The exhibition with many of butterflies from around the world.

Such a pretty flowers...

Soooo beautiful...

In second part of the day we had a picnic! Yay! The weather was nice. I do not know how many, 35 or 40 precious people came to the park to meet me and we had a great time! How awesome!

Such sweet and lovely... ♥

I was so blessed to meet in person those beautiful families and their precious kids!We dreamed for years to see each other! Can you imagine how awesome was meeting and how strong hugs! Lol

Next day I came back home. It was so hard to leave everyone... I felt like my heart was somewhere in belly... Tears and again tears.

The view of Grand Rapids
It was fun to see a train at the top there, in Detroit...

My huge airplane to Paris...It was very hard to leave America after such greatly blessed and amazing trip... But it took off about hour later...

So, it came more than hour later and I began to get nervous a little bit... Because I had to take a flight ticket to Borispol. I did not know yet how big is airport in France and how long it will take me to get to my next flight. When I finally took the flight and lady said that I should take a train to next terminal. Oh, no! I knew it would take some time... and boarding already began! 

I thought after train I will get to my airplane but... Oh, no! When I saw so many people going through security. I having experience a little bit after 11 flights. Lol. I knew I will be late. So, I asked security staff let me go earlier and not standing in a long line. Thanks God, they let me go! The terminal was so long! I had run like a crazy!

So, finally I was sitting in the flight, 10 minutes before taking off! Wow! Thank God, I made it! I was not afraid to be late for flight at all. I just did not want to wait for next one, because it was hardest part for me in airports wait for flights 3-4 hours. Oh. I did not want my friends in Ukraine worry about me. So, now I know what feel people, when your flight comes late and you need get to next one. Ha ha!

I could not sleep in the flight from Detroit to France and jetlag was not a problem for me at all.  Jesus loves me so much! :) When I came to Ukraine I felt great!

I was so happy to see my sweet friends and young adults met me in airport! We missed everyone a lot!

Also I know how it is, when aircompany lose your baggage. Ha ha! When I got the flight to Kiev from France, my bag stayed there. I had to go Kiev and pick it up in few days. So, I have quite experiences with flights. It is fun and I love it!

Thank you again! Thank you so very much for all your prayer support! Also many, many thanks to sweet friends and families, who made it happen! My awesome travel and wonderful adventures was thanks your love, generous hearts, hospitality and kindness! THANK YOU from bottom of my heart!!!!!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. I enjoyed your report of your trip to America very much and your photos are professional looking!!! thank you for sharing this with us :)

    1. Awww! Thank you so very, Kim!!! I am very glad to hear you enjoyed it. :)

  2. AnonymousMay 17, 2015

    What a happy surprise to find your account of our time together in Kentucky just now! I just got back from a long drive to and from Arkansas, where I visited with eight cousins and attended a family wedding. And yes, I told people about BOM! :-)

    Your pictures are beautiful - I will write my family and let them know you've added your "Kentucky (and Michigan!) Adventures" to your blog. I am so glad we got to see and do so much while you were here.

    BTW, that regional Kentucky dish is a Hot Brown, named for the Brown Hotel in Louisville, where it was invented many years ago. It is a Kentucky favorite, and I'm also glad you got to enjoy it. The ingredients were two slices of bread, sliced roast turkey, grilled tomatoes, Mornay sauce, and two crossed slices of bacon. Yum!

    I stopped at a big flea market (like a Ukrainian bazaar) in Bowling Green, Kentucky on my way home earlier today - and found LOTS of socks for the sock project. I will email my friends who donated money for that project soon and let them know what I found. I also told the lady and her teenage daughter who were selling the socks all about BOM, so when I read your comment about me just now, I had to smile :-).

    I hope you can come visit again soon - although we did and saw a lot, there's much more to see and do in Kentucky!

    Very best wishes from
    Susan in Kentucky

    1. Thanks a lot, Susan!!!! I am glad to hear you enjoyed your time with your relatives in Arkansas. BTW, now I will remember the name of Kentucky dish ;)

      What a blessing socks will be for kids! Many thanks everyone who is helping and taking part in this project!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25