May 8, 2015

Arkansas and Texas

Hello Everyone! So and so many things have happened for last few weeks! I have so and so many exciting news to share with you! 

First one. I am in Ukraine now and came back safe and good. Yay! Yes, I had some adventures, when I flew through France. But about it little later :) Our young adults and sweet friends met me in airport and everyone missed me a lot.

Second. I would love to thank you ALL for prayers! I have had simply AMAZING travel to U.S.!  I know, I would not have so many such exciting moments and awesome blessings, without your prayers, dear friends! In every moment, I saw God`s hand and His presence. God has been so good!

So, after California I flew to Arkansas. So, what I did there? :)

I had a privilege to share about Bible Orphan Ministry on 2 church services. It was my first speech ever. I felt my English was terrible... but love of Christians and care showed the presence of God there. It touched my heart that many people thanked me for sharing about ministry. I met new wonderful brothers and sisters. :)

I joined to baby shower. It was sweet time with many ladies.

It was so awesome to see such sweet family Branscum, who visited Ukraine few years ago! Such a great blessing!We had such a lovely and wonderful fellowship during my stay there!

Also I met Kacirek family. So, so beautiful family... We had such a wonderful and lovely fellowship. Tina and Randy visited orphanages with us also and their charity Grace Haven Ministries helped BOM in several projects before.Mostly these precious kids are adopted from Ukraine. That`s why they are special for us :) It was amazing to see and hear what the Lord made in this family.

Such a pretty city

In Bentonville I visited the Walmart museum was so worth it and very educational! So, now I have idea what is Walmart ;) Ha ha!

What?! Adoption center for pets? I was greatly surprised to see it in pet store. It is so neat!We do not have adoption centers for pets. If you come to Ukraine, you will see on the street lots of dogs and cats. Everywhere. Hmm. I was curious to observe.

The lovely hospitality and love to Christ of Branscum family made me feel very sad and teary to leave Arkansas...I could not stop to cry for a long time. Craziness. Now I start do not like to say goodbye...

Then I flew to Texas. New adventures waited for me! :)

Such stunning view somewhere near Atlanta, Georgia...

Oh, yes, I flew to Dallas through biggest airport in Atlanta. I thought I would be lost. But Jesus is good and I made it! :)  It was fun!
I had to learn how to use these huge and many screenshots to find my next flight. Now I know. Ha ha!

The beauty of Dallas in the evening.

Texas! It was like another country for me! :)

A family took me to Fort Worth. It is so neat place!

Very old city, lots of interesting stores.

All kinds of stuff for cowboys. I think they can buy absolutely everything they need!

And pictures, pictures... A real bull

And real cowboys.

I love cowboys, western movies etc. One more my dream came true! To see real cowboys! lol. It was lots of fun!


Oh, I ate fried pickles also!  It was kinda interesting.  I never thought you can fry pickles! It was fun.

The botanical garden is big and gorgeous!

Besides lots of fun in Texas, I had a privilege to share about BOM again.

In the beginning we had a furshet. And then my testimony and video about ministry.God was there! No doubts! It was blessed time. I am so and so thankful to dear friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, who made it possible!

The Reeves, such awesome family, with whom I was staying on the exact day we met 3 years ago in April, while they adopted a little princess!  Crazy right?!

And tears again...I cried like crazy one...Saying goodbye became such emotional moment for me. I did not want to leave Texas...Why it is so hard to say goodbye to beloved ones???Why?

I hope you enjoyed of this blog post :) My adventures in USA. To be continued... :)


  1. AnonymousMay 08, 2015

    Great photos and accounts of your wonderful adventures in Arkansas and Texas - after your visit here in Kentucky, I realized I had failed to ask you much about your previous travels and visits - now, after seeing this entry, I have even more questions! :-)

    Can't wait to read the next installment!

    Love to you and BOM,
    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from U.

    1. Ha ha!I am in Ukraine over a week already and still have questions about America.

      Thanks a lot, Susan! I really appreciate it.

      Send your questions to my email. I will be happy to answer :)

  2. happy to read about your big emotionel journey !!!

    1. Aww!Thank you so much, Nicole! I am very glad to hear it made you happy :)


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25