February 7, 2015

The adorable newborn baby is at home!

Look at this cute and adorable baby! How wonderful and awesome! He is so beautifully made. Baby Artem is at home today, healthy and is doing well.

Little boy was sick with jaundice few days. But today he is at home with his loving parents.

We took Marina out from the hospital and she was so glad come into the lovely, warm and safe home. Pictures of their lovely nest will be in next blog post :)

Thank you! Thank you very much for your prayerful and financial support!It mean so much for this young couple!

We thank God that precious newborn baby boy is safe and with loving parents! Can be a better blessing?! :) God's love is astonishing and amazing!♥

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25