January 28, 2015

Welcome to this world, little Artem!

Look at this adorable little angel! Isn't he cute? :) What a precious baby boy beautifully created.

How awesome!Little Artem was born yesterday! His weight is 3,700 kilo and 53 cm. Welcome to this world, little Artem!He is absolutely healthy and is going home soon. What a great blessing from the Lord!!

Young dad is very happy holding in his arms precious son. So priceless... Ruslan said, it's real miracle.♥

 Marinochka got tired and she needs strength but she is OK thanks God.

BOM, Marina and Ruslan is so thankful for your prayer support!Thanks your prayers, sweet family is doing well. Thank you very much!!!!!!!! Your prayers are greatly appreciated!!! God is so good!!!

P.S. Their lovely nest is ready too. We are so happy it is done just in time and they will not be on  the streets! THANK YOU for saving this beautiful family!!!! Pictures will be as soon :) or you can see few of them on BOM facebook


  1. What a beautiful baby! Congratulations to Marina and Ruslan - and to BOM, for preparing "the nest" for this family.

    I have some little things for Artem which I will send soon - my car would not start today, so I am stuck at home until it is repaired.

    Sending good wishes to everyone-

    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from U.

  2. he is absolutetly gorgeous !
    Congratulations !


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25