February 7, 2015

A renovated nest of Sudarik family

Finally I can share with you a promised pictures of Sudarik renovated nest.

We really love how it looks like now!It looks lovely and fresh. Everything was painted and cleaned.

Do you see the difference before

and after? :)

Second room.

The kitchen before

and after.

 The owner is very glad her home looks much better than before.

We are so happy for Ruslan and Marina!We thank and glorify the name of God, the renovation was made just in time! Thanks to your generosity and Christian love, the sweet family is saved from living on the streets! You saved them from terrible cold, hunger and they are safe! We can`t imagine what would happened, if little newborn baby would live in this awful and abandoned home. Both young parents are so happy they have place, where to live with their sweet son. They are not afraid and don`t think any more where they will spend next night. They are not afraid for their safety and little Artem. They feel cared and loved. Ruslan said, I understood that God is great and mighty to do miracles :) What a wonderful and awesome blessing for 3 precious souls!

Both Ruslan and Marina thank you all for your amazing support and daily prayers. We greatly thank YOU all! This small family would not be saved without your participation and care. YOU made it possible!!!Thank you for showing love of Christ and His presence!Thank you!Thank YOU very much!!! ♥

I`m also super super thankful for you and the fact because of your support, love, and sharings. It's warm our hearts like crazy to see you all share our blog on Facebook, emails etc. and we love seeing all of your beautiful comments. And it's super emotionally!Have an awesome weekend, friends! :)

1 comment:

As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25