January 23, 2015

What a mess and new beginning

We have started the renovation of the apartment for Ruslana, Marina and the little Artem, who should come to the world soon. So pretty excited!

We have found that wallpapers is worse than we thought and saw...Hmm. We have been discussing what to do? So, we decided to change for better one. Picture will be later :)

We cleared out from a lot of garbage and trash

We clean, clean and clean and clean...

 Ruslan is very happy to prepare the housing making a lovely nest for his beloved ones.

Do you see the difference? Before

 and after?

There was such a mess when cleaning! Dust, dirt. Oh! But what a great new beginning for a sweet family!So proud of young people wishing to help Ruslan! What a wonderful blessing!Thank you all for making it possible!

We still need 24% of needed funds. What a wonderful blessing!Amazing!Please, prayerfully consider the need to help young couple, who are expecting baby boy very soon. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Well... didn't look that bad whn you showed the pictures !
    Great taht you could make it cleaner !


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25