January 21, 2015

The Sudarik family has a nest!

We are so excited!!!We are so happy Sudarik family(Ruslan and Marina) have a nest!It is a REAL miracle we could find apartment for a day! The owner is a very nice woman and she likes Christians. (If you are a baptist, pentecostal, adventist, charismatic etc you are not a good person and you belong not to church but to a sect. Thoughts of many people in Ukraine today still persist). She was surprised to hear the answer why BOM wants to rent the apartment. And she liked it. Also it was a great second blessing that owner agreed that there would live a couple with newborn baby. Even a broker was surprised, who helped us to find a housing. She could not believe and said, guys you are very lucky that owner agreed! Because mostly owners are not happy to have renters with children. We know it...But we are not lucky, we are blessed :) Aren't we? Lol

We know for sure God's hand was with us and it is the answer to your prayers!So wonderful blessing!Thanks tons!!!

But we have been greatly surprised more, when we learned that apartment has 2 rooms but not one as we were looking for!For the same price as cost apartments with 1 room, we can rent 2 rooms! Wow!That is AMAZING!We believe God has a special plan...We already know who will live in second room in several months. :) We have many young adults who are looking for housing...We have young adults who need place stay for a night, several days, weeks, even months.
We always have a trouble with housing...Isn`t our God marvellous and surprising???How great!!!

The apartment is not in very good condition... The renters before were not very good. So, it is need a lot to clean, wash, to paint then again to clean, clean and clean.

We have very few days to be ready! Wow! So, we have to use extra funds to prepare lovely nest for little Artem. 

Please, remember Marina in your daily prayers. She should give birth precious son during these days. Maybe till the weekends? So, pretty excited!!!

We would love to thank everyone, who helped to make it possible! Thanks your tender love, kindness and great care, little boy Artem will have a warm nest and his parents will not worry, where they will live with their darling son. It will be much less stressful for them! Thanks your step of faith with us one more family is saved from streets! How wonderful!!! Ruslan is very happy! He can't wait to hold in his arms his treasure :)

Our current project still proceeds. The fundraiser is going so well! Praise God!!! We have had 43% of needed funds only for few days! Many, many thanks for your small and big donations. Oh, HOW  good, mercy and generous hand of Jesus to this sweet family! But we still need funds. With humble of hearts we thank you all for your Christian love!Thank you VERY MUCH!!!

Look what prayers can do!!!!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25