January 17, 2015

Can we stop this baby from living on the streets?

How would you feel, if you live in this abandoned and terribly cold house?

What you would think, if in a week or so you should bring a newborn baby here?

What your thoughts would be, if you knew that government will not help you and will not give you any penny or cent...

And you don`t have money in your pocket...

You work but the money enough only for a little food...

What you would do, if you do not have place, where to live?

Please, meet young couple, Ruslan and Marina, who's expecting precious baby boy Artem soon. The baby should be born the 20-27 January. Marina is  17 16 years old  student in a trade school. Ruslan is 20 years old young man, who works hard. Both live in a dormitory but after birth of baby they can not live there any more. Ruslan is from big family with 9 children, was abandoned in childhood and grew at an orphanage. Because of alcohol abuse of mother. Marina, was abandoned and abused by mother in childhood also. Mother was beating Marina so strongly that sweet girl has a scars on her body... :(

Today they feel lost and don`t know what to do... They have faced with a big trouble and feel scared...

Marina and Ruslan do not where to go after birth of their precious son...This is very and very scary to be on hands with newborn baby and not having a cozy and warm home!Ruslan, young Christian man, prays every day expecting a miracle...

We had two options how to help them. But seems that the first option will not work out...So, we have a second one, raise funds to stop the baby living on the streets.

When we asked Ruslan or does he have a house for living? He said, yes and showed us this abandoned house...We were hoping that they could live there. But when we came, we were greatly shocked. Since they do not have a place for living he thought to bring his newborn son here... Can you imagine that? Oh, no!!!! Human can not live in such cold and drafty house! We felt so heartbroken. It is such a disappointing...Imagine, the stress the parents must be feeling.It`s grievous cry, Friends!How we can stay away and let the baby live there???

So, our goal is to raise funds for year to help them with renting an apartment. It will cost $1600-1700 and $800 for the needs of precious Artem, a medicine, diapers, with food may parents have... in first months and so on. Also fees $80. Total $2,580

But we already have an awesome blessing! An one family would like to offer a matching grant for $800 for this sweet couple until January 20th. So whatever we will raise for them before January 20th they will match up to $800! The family will send the money sooner if the $800 is raised sooner! How amazing is that!?

Do you wish become a part of this wonderful blessing for young parents? :) God already has started to bless... Can we all be a great miracle for the family?So, we have only few days that this awesome blessing would be doubled!!!

Please donate your miracle gift through the PitchIn widget on the side of our blog.  Or, you can donate directly through Paypal thebibleorphanministry@gmail.com which will remove any fees.We will be sure to update the total amount raised on the side of the blog! 

Would you pray, please for a miracle and for this young family? We have only few days... We have to start to looking for an apartment this week. But we can't not having funds.Would you pray God will lead us to the right place and right owner? Many owners do not like give for rent housing with children and it always stressful for us...We hoping and praying for God's mercy to this lovely family... Ruslan hopes and prays his sweet son and beloved wife would have a safely and warm home.You can become the answer to his prayers! :)

Also may we ask you kindly to share about the need? Would you do, please?Thanks.

Thank you!Thank you very much for any step of faith with us!Thanks a lot for anything you will do for this poor family! Your any step is cherished greatly! May God bless you! ♥


  1. so sad...
    Praying and trusting God will bless them.

    1. Thanks, nicolesnitselaar! Your prayers mean a lot!

  2. I can't imagine bringing a child home to a place like that. I am glad to be able to help!

    1. We can't imagine also...Thanks a lot, DeurightbyHim! We cherish your help!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25